
Enhance cybersecurity with EarlyBirds’ zero-trust approach and stay safe

August 11, 2023 12:28 PM AEST | By Manisha
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  • EarlyBirds aids its clients to reform their landscape of cybersecurity solutions through its Cyber Security Innovation Map and innovative programs.
  • EarlyBirds’ zero-trust approach to cybersecurity covers a vast scale of users and systems, which form a company’s security ecosystem.
  • Under the zero-trust policy, every personnel, system, and code is required to take permission to access data or any resource in the system.

One of the leading Australian open innovation platforms, EarlyBirds has been helping its clients in reforming their landscape of cybersecurity solutions through its Cyber Security Innovation Map and innovative programs. It has engaged itself in revolutionising cybersecurity measures through its zero-trust approach. It works as a medium for collaboration between early adopters, innovators, and subject matter experts, so as to enable quick adoption of advance technology and ensure data security.

Understanding zero-trust policy

EarlyBirds’ zero trust approach to cybersecurity is based on a notion that covers a vast scale of users and systems, which form a company’s security ecosystem.

Under the zero-trust policy, automatic access is not allowed to anything. Each and every personnel, systems, and code is required to take permission to access data or any resource in the system. The request will be accepted on a case-by-case basis.

The companies planning to opt for zero-trust policy and looking for tech-based firms for help, they may visit https://earlybirds.io/en/early_adopter and connect with EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem for right guidance.

Pros and cons of adopting a zero-trust policy

For cybersecurity, there are multiple benefits of adopting a zero-trust approach, from decluttering the security environment of an organisation to the ability to identify threats and deliver quick response.

The increase in the incidence of cyberattacks at organisations has necessitated a step towards zero-trust policy as they allow remote work policies on a large scale. It increases the number of endpoint devices outside the corporate offices.

However, there may arise challenges during the adoption of a zero-trust approach as well. According to EarlyBirds, one needs to be careful in using zero-trust policy as a piecemeal strategy may lead to gaps in security framework as it is unlikely to consider numerous hardware, architectural, and software challenges.

There has to be unwavering commitment towards administration and maintenance for access controls to stay effective and updated. Also, zero-trust policy may hinder productivity as access is tightened which obstructs workflow and may cause a pause or delay in business operations. It is important to note that there remains the possibility of attacks on trust brokers, local physical devices, user credentials, zero-trust admin account credentials, and so on.

Having considered the benefits and limitations of the zero-trust policy, the companies now have a choice to take a call and make their digital experience safer. For businesses which wish to go ahead with the policy, EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem helps them with the new-age tech innovations through collaborations with innovators and SMEs. It offers programs for technology improvement initiatives, including zero-trust policy adoption.

  • Explorer program is designed to fast pace technological developments.
  • Challenger program is to help organisations focus on a specific problem or opportunity.

EarlyBirds Cyber Security Innovation Map

These EarlyBirds maps allow early adopter organisations to undertake technology advancement in cybersecurity, like applying the zero-trust policy. It involves collection and evaluation details about the external and internal factors that trigger innovation. This ongoing process allows for a 360-degree view of a company’s innovation ecosystem, making identification of potential collaborators and partners easier.

To know more, check out the EarlyBirds website at https://earlybirds.io/.


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