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67.7 USD/oz -11.8 (-14.84%) (Last updated - February 12, 2025 05:00 AM UTC )
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Previous Close
52 Week Range
30.35 - 64.5
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Performance USD/oz Change
5 Day -14.9%
1 Month -16.63%
3 Months -21.42%
6 Months -21.14%
52 Week -34.53%

February 12, 2025 05:00 AM UTC

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Uranium is one of the heaviest of all naturally occurring elements in the periodic table. Uranium occurs in nature in low concentrations and in two natural isotopes- uranium-238 and uranium-235. Nearly 99.3% of all-natural uranium is U-238, and the remaining 0.7% is isotope U-235, which is in high demand as they are radioactive and highly ‘fissile’.

Under the right conditions, U-235 atoms can be split and, in due process, emit high energy. This is the basic principle used in atom bombs and nuclear energy reactors. The basic difference between an atom bomb explosion and a nuclear reactor chain reaction is in an atom bomb explosion, energy is released in a very short span of time without any control over the reaction, while in a nuclear reactor reaction, a uranium atom is split under controlled conditions to produce energy for generating power.

A uranium atom contains 92 protons, and in case of U-238, there are 146 neutrons, and U-235, contains 143 neutrons. U-235 represents the sum of 92 protons and 143 neutrons.

Nuclear energy

U-235 isotopes are used in the commercial production of electricity. In a nuclear power plant, U-235 isotopes undergo a fission process where a uranium atom is split into two smaller nuclei and this process gives rise to three new neutrons and heat energy. This heat is used to convert water into steam, which is used to move electric generator turbine propellers and thus generates electricity.

Nuclear energy is considered as clean energy thanks to zero carbon emissions. Currently, around 10% of the global electricity is produced using nuclear energy.

As of 2022, Kazakhstan is the largest producer of uranium and contributes to nearly 50% of all global production. Australia holds the largest resource of uranium and is the third-largest producer.

The uranium market has become important in 2022 as global economies are trying hard to cut their carbon emission. Post the 2011 Fukushima accident in Japan, the nuclear energy market has been at a standstill.

Code Company Price Chg %Chg High Low Volume Market Cap
ADD Adavale Resources Ltd 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.002 7164961 4.547 M
AEE Aura Energy Ltd 0.125 0.000 0.000 0.130 0.125 470190 114.094 M
AGE Alligator Energy Ltd 0.032 0.000 0.000 0.033 0.032 2554161 123.955 M
AVL Australian Vanadium Ltd 0.013 0.000 0.000 0.013 0.013 1191785 112.251 M
BHP BHP Group Limited 40.990 0.850 2.118 41.180 40.400 8275726 208,033.169 M
BKY Berkeley Energy Ltd 0.400 0.000 0.000 0.400 0.395 281498 178.319 M
BMN Bannerman Resources Ltd 2.920 -0.080 -2.667 3.060 2.915 735563 521.155 M
BOE Boss Energy Limited 3.230 -0.040 -1.223 3.360 3.170 4722523 1,321.273 M
CAZ Cazaly Resources Ltd 0.016 0.001 6.667 0.016 0.014 1560540 7.381 M
CXO Core Lithium Ltd 0.089 0.002 2.299 0.090 0.088 5027523 190.729 M
CXU Cauldron Energy Ltd 0.011 0.000 0.000 0.012 0.011 110458 16.075 M
DEV DevEx Resources Ltd 0.077 0.003 4.054 0.077 0.074 71165 32.685 M
DYL Deep Yellow Ltd 1.260 -0.015 -1.177 1.305 1.250 3218096 1,227.614 M
EL8 Elevate Uranium Ltd 0.260 -0.005 -1.887 0.270 0.260 351513 100.260 M
EME Energy Metals Ltd 0.077 0.000 0.000 0.077 0.077 -- 16.146 M
EPM Eclipse Metals Ltd 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.005 1469729 17.159 M
ERA Energy Resources Of Australia Ltd 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.002 3723177 1,216.188 M
GTR GTI Resources Ltd 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.002 2327159 8.889 M
HAV Havilah Resources Ltd 0.210 -0.002 -0.943 0.210 0.210 60231 71.244 M
LAM Laramide Resources Ltd 0.750 0.000 0.000 0.750 0.750 1 187.055 M
LOT Lotus Resources Ltd 0.205 -0.015 -6.818 0.220 0.205 11303151 496.157 M
MEU Marmota Energy Ltd 0.057 0.005 9.615 0.057 0.052 2588100 65.985 M
MHC Manhattan Corp Ltd 0.020 -0.001 -4.762 0.021 0.020 428838 4.698 M
NXG Nexgen Energy Ltd DRC 10.300 0.170 1.678 10.360 10.200 487320 5,819.459 M
PDN Paladin Energy Ltd 8.260 -0.120 -1.432 8.650 8.155 2369835 3,289.005 M
PEN Peninsula Energy Ltd 1.025 0.005 0.490 1.055 1.010 1554190 163.627 M
RDM Red Metal Ltd 0.115 -0.005 -4.167 0.115 0.115 374267 41.361 M
RIO Rio Tinto Ltd 120.350 1.350 1.135 121.050 120.010 1070735 195,871.293 M
RLC Reedy Lagoon Corporation Ltd 0.003 0.001 50.000 0.003 0.003 20886 2.330 M
SLX Silex Systems Ltd 5.300 -0.290 -5.188 5.660 5.270 589838 1,262.222 M
SPQ Superior Resources Ltd 0.006 -0.001 -14.286 0.007 0.006 230000 13.019 M
TAS Tasman Resources Ltd 0.005 0.001 25.000 0.005 0.005 200000 4.026 M
TOE Toro Energy Ltd 0.205 0.010 5.128 0.210 0.195 338481 24.658 M
VML Vital Metals Ltd 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.002 95776516 11.790 M
WML Woomera Mining Ltd -- -- -- -- -- -- 4.333 M
* Data powered by EODHD®. Data delayed 20 minutes unless otherwise indicated.

Frequently Asked Questions

Enriched uranium isotope U-235 is used as a fuel for nuclear power reactors to generate electricity. Smaller versions of reactors are used in aircraft carriers and submarines instead of diesel or gas generators. Due to uranium’s unmatched energy density, they can run for long durations without refuelling. They provide a 24X7 reliable and clean source of energy.

Enriched uranium is also used in nuclear weapons. These bombs could be used as a projectile in rockets and missiles. Nuclear explosions cause a vast level of destruction. The world has already witnessed the destruction caused by nuclear bombs during World War II when two nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, killing hundreds of thousands of people.

Prolonged exposure to uranium can cause radiological and chemical poisoning. Exposure to uranium can cause kidney poisoning. Consuming food containing uranium or breathing uranium dust can cause poisoning and subsequently enter the bloodstream. This may lead to acute kidney failure and eventually death with a very high level of uranium consumption.

Uranium radiation also has significant health consequences. Workers associated with uranium mining and processing can get affected by exposures that can lead to cancer. To make it worse, cancer caused by radiation is indistinguishable from ‘naturally occurring’ cancer and it is seen in patients many years after the exposure.

Uranium prices jumped to US$53/lb during the first half of 2022. According to the data published in Resources and Energy Quarterly’s June 2022 edition, the prices are expected to move further to US$61/lb by 2024.

Post the Fukushima nuclear reactor accident, triggered by a Tsunami, several countries started to withdraw or postpone their nuclear power program. As a result, the uranium mining industry witnessed lesser interest from investors. As a consequence, multiple exploration and production projects were halted or abandoned.

Since the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change and in a less-severe COVID-19 pandemic, the world is again looking at uranium as a clean and reliable energy source.

Australia holds the world’s largest resource of uranium and is currently the third-largest producer. The country produced nearly 4,000 tonnes of uranium for FY2021-22, which is expected to increase to 5,480 tonnes for the next fiscal year.

Interestingly, Australia does not have any commercial nuclear power plant. Hence, whatever is mined is exported to international buyers.

Most of the current production is coming from three mines in Australia- Olympic Dam, Ranger and Four Mile. The production is expected to increase significantly by 2027, as Boss Energy’s Honeymoon mine is expected to commence full production from 2027.

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