
How can EarlyBirds help organisations develop edge through strategic innovation?

November 15, 2022 02:16 PM AEDT | By Mohammad Zaid
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  • Modern-day businesses need to learn about the uncertain environment they operate in, to find the correct solutions to the challenges they face.
  • EarlyBirds can help businesses with strategic innovation aimed at stimulating growth.
  • With its distinct and proven capabilities, EarlyBirds can help business’s define their specific innovation needs and provide tailored solutions.

Businesses today find themselves in the middle of a grand experiment in non-hierarchical forms of organising. To meet the challenges that a business’s operating environment may put up, as well as to trigger growth, the business has to be capable of experimenting with innovative ideas.

During the implementation of any innovation, the business needs to be alert to the possibility of uncertainties that may arise and be prepared to meet them with different contingencies. This is where EarlyBirds, a company fostering innovation across organisations on a global scale, excels, providing unique solutions to business-specific needs.

EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem

EarlyBirds’ OSINT platform, an open innovation ecosystem, and services bring together early adopters, innovators, and subject matter experts (SMEs) and facilitate business innovations as well as their adoption and implementation.

At a business-specific level, EarlyBirds can help organisations with strategic innovation that is intended to stimulate growth. EarlyBirds encourages businesses to evolve into early adopters and take part in the open innovation ecosystem system.

Through EarlyBirds’ ecosystem, such early-adopter organisations can get in touch with various innovators, including start-ups, scale-ups, and mature organisations, as well as SMEs. This can further help their pursuit of novel technologies that can accelerate the growth of the business via strategic innovations.

strategic innovation

© 2022 Kalkine Media® Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: © Olivier26 |

How can EarlyBirds help?

According to EarlyBirds, new frameworks needed are required to have the following three critical features:

  • The ability of the individual to overcome uncertainty.
  • Understanding that strategy is a creative endeavour.
  • The Ability of the organisation to experiment.

EarlyBirds can help diverse organisations with their strategic innovation initiatives and expansion plans. Moreover, the distinct and proven capabilities of EarlyBirds that help in defining innovation needs also offer alternatives for various aspects of industries, comprising business as well as technical solutions.

    EarlyBirds capabilities for strategic innovation

© 2022 Kalkine Media® | Data Source: EarlyBirds | Image Source: © Blackboard373 |

EarlyBirds’ capabilities

Notably, the open innovation ecosystem of EarlyBirds is composed of two key elements, including the platform, which has more than 4 million innovators, and services and two EarlyBirds programs. These services include innovation maps, and the programs are the Explorer and Challenger programs.

The Explorer program of EarlyBirds intends to assist in expediting the technological innovation process for the complete organisation. The key features of the program are the following:

  • Regular webinars that help ignite innovation across the organisation.
  • Quarterly and monthly innovation days.
  • A nominated SME for the business.
  • A focus on specific types of innovation.
  • A platform enterprise license.

On the other hand, the Challenger program is designed for organisations to focus on a specific problem or challenge at a time.  


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