Innovative Eyewear Inc. - A Pioneer of Prescription Tech glasses you can wear all-day

July 21, 2020 11:10 PM AEST | By Team Kalkine Media
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Innovative Eyewear Inc, a company established in 2020 with an aim to upgrade the world’s glasses, is the new US operator of the Lucyd smartglass brand. Lucyd has been a market leader in smart eyewear by becoming the first to deliver prescription smartglasses and has delivered one of the first lines of smartglasses available in several styles and colours.

Innovative Eyewear is engaged in providing eyewear that are high fashion in appearance, coupled with several useful smart features such as open-ear audio and frame touch controls, available at a very competitive price, The company produces fashionable and affordable prescription frames with Bluetooth features, enabling the wearer to correct and/or protect their vision while remaining connected with their digital life.

A reason to upgrade - Innovative Eyewear for Every Occasion

(Source- Innovative Eyewear, Inc.)

The team of Innovative Eyewear previously, under the Lucyd brand, had pioneered the first prescription Bluetooth eyewear product. They launched their first product, the Lucyd Loud 1.0 glass, in 2018, a first of its kind Bluetooth audio glass. Also, in fall of 2018, the company launched the Lucyd eShop, providing an exceptional eyewear retail experience with notable features like a virtual try-on application and a no-cost “ask an optometrist”, to chat to ask questions about eye health. Further, in the first quarter of 2019, the second edition of Lucyd Loud was designed in-house and built-to-spec. The product was made available in a wide range of ten colours and patterns and was the first smartglass geared to the youth market.

There are various advantages with Lucyd Bluetooth glasses, the person wearing them can maintain situational awareness by using their voice and frame controls to take calls and interact with their phone without even touching it, via the voice assistant. The small speakers in the arms of the glasses let the users listen to music and take calls without having anything in their ears, allowing them to hear and respond to the surrounding traffic or social setting. It’s all about staying connected and aware at the same time. This is an important feature, as every seven minutes a pedestrian is struck by a car in the US, in large part because both pedestrians and drivers alike are distracted by their smartphones.

(Source- Innovative Eyewear, Inc.)

Great tech features, affordably priced!

Today’s fashion-conscious buyers have led many existing as well as new companies to venture into the tech eyewear market, but very few have been able to meet the most desired criteria of extended wear combined with any prescription, which is the demand of the majority of the people looking for tech-enhanced eyewear. The frames must be prescription ready, fashionable and light enough to be worn all day.

This is where the company has been trying to create a niche by providing affordable smartglasses that combine tech capabilities without sacrificing anything from the typical eyewear experience. The company is providing its Lucyd prescriptions frames that are affordable, with the total cost of the glasses about half of the nearest competitor. Additionally, Innovative Eyewear is also building a unique software experience to accompany and further enhance their frames. They call their new software app Vyrb™. Vyrb will allow the eyeglass wearer to listen to and respond to social media posts like Facebook® and Twitter® with their voice, with no need to take your smartphone out of your pocket.

(Source- Innovative Eyewear, Inc.)

Innovative Eyewear has an experienced team with a background in technology and product commercialization, led by Harrison Gross, CEO & Cofounder. The Innovative Eyewear team first entered the smart eyewear market in 2017, when they founded Lucyd Ltd and after conducting several research projects into smart eyewear, in 2018, launched their first product, the Lucyd Loud 1.0 glass.


Long story cut short, we believe Innovative Eyewear’s products may completely change how you see the eyeglass world, with its comfortable, fashionable and yet affordable smart glasses. The company is seeking to develop a complete line of Bluetooth eyewear for every size and style preference, which, when paired with their Vyrb app, will provide a new, and safer user experience. Additionally, it is providing an opportunity to be a part of their growth story by investment through its Registered Crowdfund on the Startengine platform, allowing eyewear and tech enthusiasts to help them build the future of eyewear (due to Reg CF requirements, UK and Canada residents, unfortunately, cannot participate).

(The information provided is as per the company - Innovative Eyewear Inc.)


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