
Haranga Resources (ASX: HAR FRA: 65E0) issues latest update on Saraya uranium Project

May 31, 2023 11:41 AM AEST | By Ankit Sethi
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  • Senegalese authorities have given all approvals needed to airfreight drill core samples from Haranga’s Saraya uranium project
  • The drill core samples have been delivered to ALS in Canada for chemical assaying, with results expected in 2-3 weeks
  • Haranga is in advanced discussions with three resource consultancy groups for potential MRE on the Saraya uranium prospect

Multi-commodity ASX-listed company Haranga Resources (ASX: HAR FRA: 65E0) -- with interests including the Saraya Uranium Project in Africa -- has announced a positive operational update with respect to the Senegal-based Saraya uranium permit. The company has received all the approvals from Senegalese authorities that were required to airfreight drill core samples containing radioactive material from Senegal to Canada-based ALS laboratory for chemical assaying.

These samples have cleared customs and have been delivered to the laboratory in Vancouver. Assay results that will verify Haranga's recent drilling program and historical database are expected to be available in the next two to three weeks.

Source: Company update

The development

The African-focused commodity company has received all the documentation that was required in order to airfreight drill core samples from the Saraya Uranium Project to ALS lab in Canada. Senegalese authorities gave the requisite approvals and the samples containing radioactive material have now reached the ALS lab after being cleared by the Canadian customs officials.

The documentation included a detailed field and sample inspection report, alongside a letter of authorisation for the export of samples by the Ministry of Mines. Notably, more than 800 samples representing 370m of uranium mineralised drill intersects from the 22-hole diamond drill program at the Saraya uranium permit.

Further, Haranga states that the expected turn-around time for uranium analysis by ICP-MS is 10 to 15 working days, which means results will likely be available within two to three weeks. These results would verify HAR's historical data base having information for ~65,000m of drilling. It will also confirm the preliminary results of the maiden drill program released in February this year.

Post the receipt and processing of results, Haranga will release the final eU3O8 results for its maiden drill program.

Meanwhile, HAR is in advanced discussions with three resource consulting groups for a potential Mineral Resource Estimate on the Saraya prospect, and it is expected that this can be completed in six to eight weeks after eU3O8 drilling results are received.

HAR's ASX-listed shares closed at AU$0.105 (market cap over AU$6 million) on 29 May 2023.


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