
High-grade manganese mineralisation confirmed at Black Canyon’s (ASX: BCA) Wandanya Project - Kalkine Media

November 14, 2023 02:27 PM AEDT | By Manisha
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  • BCA has confirmed high-grade rock chip samples of up to 58.5% Mn from the Wandanya tenement.
  • The significant results from four samples collected between 80 and 100m apart are 53.3%, 57.8%, 58.5% and 57.9% Mn.
  • As per the new samples, the main body of bedded to massive mineralisation at the W2 prospect is around 300m long and 150m wide.
  • BCA is looking forward to a drill program at W2 and integrating datasets to check if additional IP data is warranted along strike before drilling starts.

ASX-listed manganese explorer and developer, Black Canyon Limited (ASX: BCA) has confirmed high-grade manganese mineralisation at surface after receiving results from the recently completed detailed mapping and follow-up rock chip sampling over the Wandanya Project.

The sampling program was conducted to validate the initial high-grade samples and have a better geological understanding and enhance mineralisation potential of the W2 prospect at Wandanya and other targets located along strike to the north. 

Wandanya (W2) High-Grade Manganese Mineralisation

In situ shallow dipping high-grade bedded mineralisation locally overlain by a veneer of re-cemented residual lag and wider areas of transported manganese dominant sheetwash has been confirmed from the detailed mapping of mineralisation at the W2 prospect.

The tenor of the mineralisation has been validated from several rock chip samples from the mineralisation between 80 to 100m apart.

The Company had gathered high-grade manganese samples from weakly bedded to huge botryoidal manganese enrichment. Also, many moderate to high-grade iron-rich samples were detected during the mapping and sampling campaign.

The grades vary from 51.5% iron to 63.3% iron, dominated by hematite with secondary geothite/limonite. The mineralisation appears to be present in a sedimentary horizon and was mapped along strike for over 500m.

BCA will have to conduct more exploration work to check the prominence of this Fe mineralisation.

Induced Polarisation (IP) survey

Black Canyon has completed a dipole diploe IP survey with two east-west lines present 100m apart.

As per the survey results, there lies a strong chargeable anomaly to the east of the mineralisation representing a down dip extension. Moreover, a deeper discrete chargeable anomaly was identified between 50 and 100m below the mineralisation that needs to be tested further. A well-defined resistivity low, imaged to approximately 20m depth has highlighted the main body of mineralisation at W2.   

BCA’s stock traded at AU$0.140 apiece on the ASX on 13 November 2023.


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