Five apps to manage personal finances - Kalkine Media

December 21, 2022 08:07 PM AEDT | By Mahendra Bajiya (Guest)
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Managing your personal finances is incredibly important in order to keep up with possible price rises, increasing expenses, and other unexpected occurrences. Knowing that the market size for budgeting apps is around $200 million, managing your finances can indeed be helpful. It does not have to be overly complicated, too, as there are various options available to make your life easier. Five apps have been listed below that can help you in managing your personal finances.

The Mint app is a financial management tool that helps you keep track of your spending and make better financial decisions. The app is free to use and is available for both iOS as well as Android devices. It allows you to connect your financial accounts at one place, so you can see your transactions at one place. On this app, you can create budgets too and set alerts for an easy check on your spending.

The Mint app has a large user base of over 25 million users, which proves that this app can really help you with your finances. After all, its popularity cannot be this large if it does not perform correctly or does not deliver on its promises.

You Need A Budget

You Need A Budget (YNAB) is a budgeting app that helps you manage your spending and save money. It hosts a range of features to help users get their finances in order.

For example, it has a budgeting planner that helps you to plan your budget efficiently and track your spending, making sure you are on track with your goals. It also has a transactions log for each card connected so that you can conveniently check where your money is going, giving you better insight into which expenses can be lowered.

Finally, it allows you to create reports to check on the overall health of your finances throughout the years. Needless to say, you will need to use the app for a bit in order to use this feature.


Pocketguard is a great app for anyone looking to better manage their budget. In addition to tracking your income and expenses, Pocketguard provides helpful tools for creating budgets and staying within your budget. 

With its easy-to-use interface, Pocketguard makes it simple to keep track of your spending history and plan for future expenses. Plus, if you ever come close to exceeding your budget, Pocketguard will send you a notification so that you can take appropriate action. 

Whether you are just starting out with budgeting or you have been doing it for years, Pocketguard is a great tool for anyone looking to improve their financial situation.


Goodbudget is a great app for anyone looking to get their finances in order. It's easy to use and gives you a way to stay pocket-friendly. 

You can create different budgets for different areas of your life, like groceries, entertainment, and bills, and then track your spending over time to see how well you're doing. Goodbudget can also help you save money by showing you where you might be able to cut back.

One of the best things about Goodbudget is that it's free! You can use it on your computer or phone, and there are no subscription fees. The app also allows you to share your budget with others, making it ideal for couples or families who want to manage their finances together.


Honeygain application is different from the other ones on this list as it is not created for planning your budget but to increase it completely passively.

It is easy to use as you do not have to do anything actively besides creating an account and installing the application. As the application is running in the background of your devices, it shares your internet bandwidth with the Honeygain network, and, in return, it gives you a monetary reward.

This app will certainly not make you rich, but it might generate enough income to give a push to your personal finance goals or to at least cover some smaller expenses, such as various subscriptions or other spare-change-worthy things.

With these multiple apps catered to different tastes, you are sure to manage your finances more efficiently and reach the goals that you may have.


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