Has modern feminism gone too far?

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 Has modern feminism gone too far?


  • Today’s feminism is not limited to women’s rights; it includes all genders facing oppression.
  • The United States General Social Survey revealed that women’s happiness has declined over the past half-century.
  • It is to be noted that nowhere feminism promotes misandry; thus, characteristics like hating men and comparing women with men should be eliminated.

The term “feminism” has been in the books of social sciences for a long time now. The first wave of feminism took place between the 19th and early 20th centuries in the western world. It focused on women’s right to vote, divorce and other fundamental rights. Through decades the movement has evolved, and now modern feminism has taken over. Debates repeatedly happen whether modern feminism is for some good or grappling society with hatred and retribution.

Why does “feminism” exist in society?

Across cultures, irrespective of geographical limitations, patriarchy has grappled the society over generations. Men run the world; women have been deprived of their fundamental rights. Thus, feminism evolved as a movement; it supports women’s rights and vouches for women’s upliftment from the shackles of men dominance.

Evolution of feminism

The movement that began as a fight for women’s rights evolved to a movement for women’s freedom to whatever choices they make in their lives. Now, feminism is about intersectionality. Today’s feminism is not limited to women’s rights; it includes all genders facing oppression.

The ideals of feminism evolve over time-based upon where the society stands at the point of time. Now, most women around the world have legal, social, sexual, reproductive, and monetary rights. But, still, women face issues like discrimination in public spaces based on gender, pay gap, etc.

However, certain issues are boiling up with today’s feminism that should be addressed.

Decline in women’s happiness level

The United States General Social Survey revealed that women’s happiness has declined over the past half-century. Feminism has brought various structural changes into society, for example, disintegrating women from family life, having children, sidelining differences between sexes, etc. Because of all these changes, the degree of insecurity and vulnerability has increased among women.

Men’s happiness level has also gradually declined, let alone women’s happiness. There are multiple men’s rights movements going across the world fighting against the evils of modern feminism.

The movement that was supposed to be a fight for women’s rights has become a fight against men. The vengeance and anger against one sex divide society into two. Additionally, women who opt for housework are seen with derogation. This is also a significant problem of modern-day feminism.

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End of romance

In the present contemporary world, intimacy is not a taboo. Dating apps and other ways of meeting a partner have become too capitalistic and straightforward, which have led to the falling of romance between the two sexes.

The hook-up culture is not less than an enemy of love and lifelong relationships. Moreover, the number of divorces and single living has evolved dramatically, leaving women deprived of the romance which was the case before the advent of modern-day feminism.

There are some biological and hormonal differences between men and women that need to be endorsed. For example, women like men to be courteous but not toxic; but due to modern-day feminism, the line between chivalry and toxicity has faded away. So now men are moving away from being chivalrous.

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Image source: © Michaeldb | Megapixl.com

The need to celebrate differences in sexes

There are certain things a man can do that a woman can’t, and there are certain things a woman can do but a man can’t. The problem of modern-day feminism is trying women to be like men: the concept of “wear the pants”. 

Women do not need to be like men; rather they need to be like women. Therefore, there is no comparison between the two sexes. Instead, they both equally need to complement one another for the betterment of society.

Men and women are like shoes and socks to one another, just like one commodity is incomplete; one sex is incomplete without the other. But, in fact, women are far more superior than men in many ways, like men can’t procreate, women have more emotional quotient, etc.

Women need to endorse what they have and fight if someone tries to take away their fundamental rights. The race of wearing pants and try being “non-feminine” are not the original ideals of true feminism. Additionally, if a woman chooses to be a homemaker, she should be respected for whatever choice she has made. Feminism is about the right and freedom of making a choice, which shouldn’t be snatched away from women.

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Solutions to modern-day feminism

Modern-day feminism needs to focus more on the intersectionality of oppression. Nowhere feminism is about restricting women from having children or being homemakers. Thus, the movement should support and promote women for whatever choices they make in life.

Misandry is also a common factor emerging among the young generation. Men are being targeted for various things on social media, making them fearful of young, independent women. Men should not be fearful of women, neither women should be. Both need to complement one another and live in harmony.

Bottom line

Society needs feminism and related movements for the upliftment of women and other oppressed genders. Women have gone through years of oppression, and now is the time when they need to be aware of history so that they can build a better and safe future for all. However, it is to be noted that nowhere feminism promotes misandry; thus, characteristics like hating men, comparing women with men should be strictly eliminated.


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