How has the COVID-19 pandemic erupted a volcano of emotions?

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 How has the COVID-19 pandemic erupted a volcano of emotions?
Image source: © Wisconsinart |


  • Amid the chaos of the virus, vaccine, and social distancing, human emotions are erupting like a volcano.
  • With no employment and no education, how will the world move towards a revival?
  • Thus, it is significant to address emotions and align them not to contradict but to coincide with nature.

It is 2021. September. And we are on the verge of touching 2023! The pandemic shook the world in the early months of 2020, and since then, life has not been able to return to its normal state. Amid the chaos of the virus, vaccine, and social distancing, human emotions are erupting like a volcano. Conditions are fragile, and humanity is taking a life test.

The uncertainty of life

The pandemic has taught humans that life is highly uncertain. The coronavirus crisis has made the human understanding of life and death much easier and nuanced. As the world now fears the third wave of the virus, people inject their vaccine doses to dodge that uncertainty, but neither the vaccine can provide 100% protection, nor can any other medicine do the same.

Hopelessness, especially among the youth

What is youth enshrined for? For fun, thrill, and adventure? Sadly, because of COVID-19, the fun and adventure have been sucked out bad by the fear-mongering environment. It is disheartening that so many student visas were cancelled, so many youngsters postponed their life dreams. The advent of waves after waves of the virus has made the youth hopeless as to when would they be able to cherish and relish life again fearlessly.

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World awaiting end of COVID-19

Image credits: © Sergiomonti |

Loss of employment and education

Thousands of people around the world lost their jobs in the past few months. Sectors like tourism, which employs most youth and women, have been dramatically shattered. In such scenarios, the section of the society that needs financial security the most has been left with a white sheet of paper. Moreover, children of economically disadvantaged groups have lost their seats in schools. With no employment and no education, how will the world move towards a revival?

The void left after losing a dear one

Thousands of people globally have died due to the coronavirus crisis. People across age groups, gender and economic backgrounds have died. In some cases, a child lost both of their parents, and in some, a person lost their dearest friend. People are now trying to fill the void created after the loss of their loved ones. The journey is painful, but the end would make them stronger.

Reality check for humans

Many conspiracy theories state that the pandemic hit human society as we were too lenient towards life, nature and sustainability. Additionally, after the initial lockdowns, the air quality indexes of so many places improved drastically. Animals were seen in human areas again. The COVID-19 pandemic has given a serious reality check to humans that we are not the supreme entity, and anytime, anything can happen to our species; thus, we shouldn’t play with things beyond our control.

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Bottom line

The reality is that the pandemic has indeed erupted a volcano of emotions in human society. Life was going smooth with the technological and social advancements. However, one tiniest virus showed that we humans are nothing but a mere species. Thus, it is significant to address emotions and align them not to contradict but to coincide with nature.


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