
Haranga Resources (ASX: HAR) embarks on RC drilling at Saraya uranium project

December 18, 2023 03:54 PM AEDT | By Manisha
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  • Haranga has kicked off the proposed RC drilling campaign at its Senegal uranium deposit.
  • The program is for minimum 4,000m and maximum 6,000m.
  • The RC drill program is likely to be completed in February 2024, while results are expected during February-April 2024.
  • The program at the Saraya deposit aims to produce confirmation data for the MRE upgrade.

Africa-focused multi-commodity company Haranga Resources Limited (ASX: HAR, FSE:65E0) has begun the proposed reverse circulation (RC) drill campaign at its Senegal uranium deposit. The total program will cover more than 20 holes depending on the depth achieved and mineralisation intersected. 

As announced previously, the company has secured a contract for a minimum of 4,000m and a maximum of 6,000m using a drill rig that reached the site last week on 13 December 2023. 

The company intends to initially drill target the Saraya deposit (16.1Mlb U3OInferred Resource @ 587ppm) to complete Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) upgrade requirements. The company plans to complete the MRE upgrade once the metallurgical testwork is completed on ore characterisation by SGS Lakefield, Canada.

Data source: Company update

Details of Termite Mound Sampling

Haranga has completed infill termite mound sampling at the Saraya South prospect. Upon completion of the 4,186 samples taken from Mandankoli, HAR plans to begin XRF testing of the 2,166 samples that have been collected.

The company has already prepared all the samples at its workshop facility. Soon, the samples will be assayed using the hand-held XRF Vanta-M device which has been newly acquired by the firm.

Haranga plans to resume permit-scale geochemistry survey in early January, after completion of the seasonable burning of dried grass. So far, the survey has been completed for approximately 72% of the permit.

Auger drilling advances at Diobi prospect  

The company is advancing auger drilling at the Diobi prospect. As of now, the drill spacings have been decreased to 10 metres and parallel lines have been started.

Post completion of this phase at Diobi, HAR will move the auger drilling program to the Sanela prospect. The company has planned to continue the auger drill ops throughout December and continue into March 2024.

HAR shares traded at AU$0.205 on 18 December 2023, up 2.5% from the last close.


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