
Chimeric (ASX:CHM) advances NK cell therapy portfolio with latest research pact

November 09, 2022 03:08 PM AEDT | By Aditi Sarkar
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  • Chimeric has enhanced its collaboration with CWRU through a sponsored research agreement.
  • The development aims to advance NK cell therapies to benefit patients in multiple disease areas.
  • Dr David Wald, who is the inventor of the CORE NK technology, will lead the research program at CWRU.
  • As part of the sponsored research, Chimeric has gained an exclusive option, enabling the company to licence intellectual property generated by the university.

Chimeric Therapeutics (ASX:CHM) has further bolstered its Natural Killer (NK) cell therapy portfolio.

In a major development, the clinical-stage cell therapy company recently entered into a sponsored research agreement (SRA) with Case Western Reserve University (CWRU).

Under the SRA, the two parties will undertake preclinical development aimed at advancing multiple next-generation NK cell products.

With this development, Chimeric also gained access to an exclusive option that licences intellectual property generated by the university.

The SRA is outcomes based on research. Initially, the agreement has an initial period estimated to be two years, which may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties.

Overview of the sponsored research program

Dr David Wald will lead the research program. He is an Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, CWRU.

CHM 0201 (CORE NK platform) is the foundational asset of the NK cell therapy portfolio of Chimeric.

The asset delivered promising outcomes in a phase 1 clinical trial at the Seidman Cancer Center in Ohio. The study achieved all major endpoints, including safety with no graft versus host disease, cell persistence and cell expansion.

It also demonstrated an encouraging efficacy signal, specifically in blood cancers. In this case, all patients achieved disease control, and one patient achieved a complete response that was sustained through to 15 months at the time of study publication.


CHM shares were trading at AU$0.083 midday on 9 November 2022.  


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