Delta Air Lines Faces Mixed Results Amid Industry Adjustments

September 17, 2024 12:05 PM PDT | By Team Kalkine Media
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Delta Air Lines recently released an update that presented a mix of both positive and challenging elements. Although some headline figures were affected by industry-wide disruptions, management provided key insights into how the airline is navigating current market dynamicsThe update offers a clearer picture of how Delta and the broader airline industry in Industrial Sector are adapting to changing conditions, particularly after disruptions from a software issue earlier in the year.

Mixed Performance Indicators

The airline industry, including Delta Air Lines (NYSE:DAL), experienced widespread delays and cancellations during the summer, largely due to a CrowdStrike software update that disrupted Microsoft operating systemsDelta was among the airlines hit hardest, affecting its revenue and earnings for the third quarterThis disruption, which is expected to be a one-off event, is critical to consider when evaluating Delta’s recent performance.

Despite this setback, two of Delta's three key operating metrics aligned with previous guidanceThe company's available seat miles (ASM) metric and its revenue guidance remained consistent with prior projectionsHowever, there was a slight disappointment in the cost-per-available seat mile (CASM-Ex) adjusted for fuelThe revised guidance for CASM-Ex now stands higher than previous estimates, increasing by 2.5%, which is slightly above the earlier estimate of 1%-2%.

This rise in CASM-Ex, which is closely monitored in the airline industry, could reduce profit marginsAs a result, Delta's stock initially saw some selling pressure following the update at the recent Morgan Stanley Laguna ConferenceManagement also noted that full-year earnings per share (EPS) are expected to be at the midpoint or above the previously guided range of $6 to $7, excluding the impact of the CrowdStrike disruption, which was estimated to be $0.45 per share.

Adjustments in Capacity Management

Despite the challenges, the overall update provides some positive indications for Delta and the broader airline industryA significant part of the discussion focused on capacity adjustments within the industry, a critical aspect of the airline business modelOvercapacity has historically been a concern, especially during periods of high travel demand, often leading to declining profitability as demand eventually tapers off.

Delta’s management, however, highlighted a shift in this trendPresident Glenn Hauenstein explained that the excess capacity experienced during the summer months began to ease in August and continued into the fallIn particular, Delta has seen an "inflection of unit revenues" on both its domestic and transatlantic routes, indicating that revenue per available seat mile (RASM) is trending positivelyThis is a sign that the issue of overcapacity may be improving.

Additionally, commentary from United Airlines (NASDAQ:UAL) at the same conference echoed these sentimentsUnited's CFO, Mike Leskinen, confirmed that the industry had seen an upward trend in RASM in both domestic and Atlantic routes beginning in August and continuing through September.

While some cost pressures remain, the overall outlook suggests that airlines like Delta are starting to adapt to the challenges posed by the summer's disruptions and overcapacityManagement's focus on resolving capacity issues could help stabilize the industry in the coming months.


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