Prestigious Tang Prize Awards Ceremony Graces Taipei

September 27, 2024 09:00 PM AEST | By Cision
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TAIPEI, Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The 2024 Tang Prize Award Ceremony was celebrated this afternoon at the Globe Playhouse of the Taipei Performing Arts Center, bringing together the 2024 Tang Prize Laureates from countries including the United States, Denmark, and Ireland, both in person and virtually. The ceremony, a testament to the power of innovation and collaboration in addressing global challenges, was live-streamed globally.

2024 Tang Prize Award Ceremony
2024 Tang Prize Award Ceremony

The six recipients of the 2024 Tang Prize include Omar M. Yaghi for Sustainable Development; Joel F. Habener, Svetlana Mojsov, and Jens Juul Holst for Biopharmaceutical Science; Hsu Cho-yun for Sinology; and Mary Robinson for Rule of Law.

Dr. Jenn-Chuan Chern, CEO of the Tang Prize Foundation, commenced by extending a warm welcome and marking the 12th anniversary of the foundation's establishment. In June, the 2024 Tang Prize Laureates were announced, bringing the total number of laureates honored over six ceremonies to 39 (including 3 NGOs).

Dr. Shu Chien, President of the Tang Prize Selection Committee, stated that the Tang Prize, established in 2012, has become a globally recognized and prestigious international award. Each category is evaluated by a dedicated committee composed of renowned experts, ensuring an objective, fair, and professional selection process regardless of race, gender, or nationality. 

"As I stand here today accepting this award," said Sustainable Development Laureate Omar M. Yaghi, who was born into a refugee family, "I do so not just for myself, but for everyone who has ever felt that their beginnings were too humble to make a difference. My journey is proof that remarkable things can emerge from the most unremarkable starts." Yaghi expressed immense gratitude to the founder, Dr. Samuel Yin. He was deeply moved and inspired by Dr. Yin's vision of establishing the Tang Prize to make the world a better place. Growing up in an impoverished environment, Yaghi keenly felt that waiting for ideal conditions often meant stagnation, and that the most remarkable achievements usually stemmed from the humblest beginnings.

Biopharmaceutical Science Laureates Joel Habener and Jens Juul Holst expressed immense satisfaction in seeing their decades-long dedication to GLP-1 research acknowledged and its positive impact on alleviating the suffering of individuals with type 2 diabetes and obesity worldwide. Svetlana Mojsov expressed her gratitude for receiving the Tang Prize, specifically for her contributions to the discovery of GLP-1. Her research at Rockefeller University, under Bruce Merrifield, led to the groundbreaking identification of the bioactive GLP-1 (7-37) peptide, which showed promise in combating type 2 diabetes through her collaboration with Habener. Mojsov shared her four-decade-long scientific journey, which commenced at the Endocrine Unit of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, where she began researching the role of peptides in regulating glucose metabolism and developing related therapies. Holst also shared his 50-year journey, transitioning from a gastroenterological surgeon with an interest in incretins to a leading researcher in GLP-1. His work culminated in key milestones that brought GLP-1 research to Copenhagen and ultimately led to the development of GLP-1 therapies that have now benefited millions in the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Sinology Laureate Hsu Cho-yun expresses his gratitude to the Tang Prize Foundation, emphasizing the distinct mission of the Sinology award compared to the other three categories. While the other awards focus on solving contemporary global issues, Hsu believes the Sinology award seeks to identify the position of Chinese civilization within the broader tapestry of world history - past, present, and future. This resonates deeply with his own lifelong pursuit: dedicating his early career to studying Chinese history and his later years to extracting wisdom from Chinese culture to address global challenges. While humbled by this prestigious honor, he embraces the responsibility it entails.

Rule of Law Laureate Mary Robinson expressed her profound honor and gratitude to be recognized by the Tang Prize Foundation and the Selection Committee in the name of the rule of law. She acknowledged the remarkable contributions of previous laureates who have championed human rights and the rule of law globally, emphasizing the ongoing tasks and shared responsibility to uphold these principles, a theme she intends to explore further in her Laureate's Lecture. Robinson is acutely aware that despite its crucial importance, the rule of law has faced increasing challenges and threats in recent decades. Robinson recognizes the concerted efforts of authoritarian and nationalist leaders to erode the foundations of legal and ethical norms, making the defense of the rule of law an increasingly complex endeavor. Yet, she remains steadfast in her commitment and champions human rights and the rule of law.


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