Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Achieves New Milestone by Venturing into the Autonomous Electric Bus Service Sector - Securing the Autonomous Transportation System Project in the Airportcity Link - Kalkine Media

July 03, 2024 04:35 PM AEST | By Cision
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The First-Ever Largest Autonomous Electric Vehicle Public Transportation System in Hong Kong, Set to Be Operational Within the Next Year

Traveling from the Artificial Island of the HKZMB to 11 SKIES in the SKYCITY in as Fast as Two Minutes.

HONG KONG, July 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Limited ("KCBH") is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, KC Smart Mobility, together with its joined venture Prime Motors Limited, has secured the service contract with the Hong Kong Airport Authority to provide autonomous electric bus services across the "Airportcity Link". This Hong Kong's Largest Autonomous bus transportation system will connect the Artificial Island at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge's ("HZMB") Hong Kong Port with the retail, dining, and entertainment landmark 11 SKIES in the SKYCITY once finished. It will be Hong Kong's first-ever public transportation system featuring autonomous electric bus services, with a 2 to 3-minute travel time. The system is planned to be operational by the end of next year.

The Hong Kong International Airport "Airportcity Link" autonomous transportation systems will connect the Hong Kong Port of the HZMB with 11 SKIES in the SKYCITY and serve inbound travelers entering Hong Kong through the HZMB. The system spans approximately 850 meters, comprises pedestrian bridges and flyovers, and operates via autonomous transportation systems. Each autonomous electric bus can accommodate 16 or 12 passengers and one wheelchair user, travelling from the Hong Kong Port artificial island to SKYCITY. The commuting time between will be significantly reduced to 2 to 3 minutes. The autonomous electric bus is expected to be operational by the end of 2025 during the first phase, with a targeted initial goal of carrying approximately 500 passengers per hour per direction with each autonomous bus.

The autonomous driving system used in this project is equivalent to the "Level 4" driving automation defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). It can achieve "Level 4" or higher operations through Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication. The system will operate under the dedicated 5G network provided by the Airport Authority for secure wireless communication during operations.

Passenger Flow of the HZMB shall be Stimulated by Expected Favorable Policies

According to government statistics, the number of passengers traffic via the HZMB has been increasing since the full resumption of normal travel last year. By utilizing the autonomous transportation systems, the airport island's overall transportation network can be effectively enhanced and facilitate the increasing flow of traveler traffic. Hence, it will improve passengers' capacity and efficiency, providing convenient transportation options for Hong Kong residents and tourists travelling back and forth to the 11 SKIES in SKYCITY.

Mr. Timothy WONG, MH, Chief Operating Officer of KCBH, expressed his delight in providing autonomous transportation services for the "Airportcity Link" autonomous transportation system at Hong Kong International Airport. This new project not only offers convenient public transportation services for travelers in the Greater Bay Area but also serves as a pioneering initiative for the future mobility of residents in the Greater Bay Area before the upcoming Southbound Travel for Guangdong Vehicles Policy. Additionally, the widespread use of electric vehicles marks a significant step towards environmental conservation and sustainability.

He stated that KCBH has been expanding its autonomous electric bus services in recent years and is pleased to see more infrastructure projects introducing autonomous electric vehicle transportation systems. "KC Smart Mobility takes on the responsibility of being a technical enabler to localize and commercialize advanced technology. As the technical enabler, we are dedicated to applying advanced technologies to the smart mobility domain and driving the industry's innovation and development. Our vision is to become the pioneer in localizing and commercializing autonomous driving and to integrate technology with the needs of the Hong Kong and global markets. Implementation and commercialization of technology can be demonstrated in such.", said Mr. Wong.

Autonomous driving technology is gradually maturing, and the KCBH has always been at the forefront of this changing era, Mr. Wong continues. KCBH has made significant progress in the autonomous electric vehicle market. In addition to the recent Airportcity Link autonomous electric bus service project, KCBH will provide the first "5G Autonomous Shuttle Bus Service in Residential Estate" in the second quarter of this year at Fairview Park. The two buses, equipped with artificial intelligence technology, including advanced sensors, 5G connectivity, high-definition maps, target perception, path planning, and wheel motion control, will have a capacity of either 12 or 8 seats and one wheelchair seat. They will operate alongside the existing free shuttle buses (red and blue lines) within the two estates in Fairview Park, simultaneously serving passengers. Furthermore, KCBH has also obtained the service contract for autonomous electric shuttle minibuses in the West Kowloon Cultural District. Two minibuses with a capacity of 19 seats will operate autonomously between the M+ Museum and the West Kowloon Cultural District, with an expected launch in the fourth quarter of 2025.

"To KCBH, investment in autonomous driving and future development is merely the beginning, and it will not end here. We will continue to delve into the various autonomous driving scenarios and automation possibilities at the Hong Kong airport and gradually expand the application scenarios across Hong Kong. KCBH's goal is to become a key operator of autonomous driving technology implementation projects in Hong Kong, injecting new vitality into the city's transportation development.", Mr. Wong. He believes that the prospects of autonomous transportation systems in Hong Kong are optimistic. The Hong Kong government has been actively promoting Hong Kong as a leading smart city and advocating for smart mobility; coupled with the maturing technology of efficient and safe autonomous electric vehicles, he can foresee that more and more large-scale infrastructure and private development projects will consider incorporating autonomous transportation systems into their project planning.


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