Huawei, UNESCO and Ministry of Education Launch Green Education Initiative to Drive Climate Action in Thailand

December 07, 2023 12:00 PM AEDT | By Cision
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BANGKOK, Dec. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Huawei and UNESCO and Ministry of Education announced their strategic partnership on the Green Education Initiative, which is designed to educate young people and communities nationwide on the importance of climate action and empower them to take action.

Huawei, UNESCO and Ministry of Education Launch Green Education Initiative to Drive Climate Action in Thailand
Huawei, UNESCO and Ministry of Education Launch Green Education Initiative to Drive Climate Action in Thailand

The initiative covers three areas:

  • Green Schools: promoting water security, clean energy, biomass production, and waste management in educational institutions.
  • Green Skills: developing skills among students, educators, and communities to drive environmental responsibility and sustainability.
  • Green Communities: engaging with local communities to create awareness and promote green practices beyond schools.

Huawei, under its TECH4ALL initiative, and UNESCO plan to develop green programs and solutions covering these three areas in partnership with Thailand's Ministry of Education. Projects include digital power technologies for schools, green energy training for students, and a digital bus to provide training in digital literacy and climate action with a focus on rural and remote areas throughout Thailand. 

UNESCO defines 'greening' as pursuing the knowledge and practices that are more ecologically responsible and promote the sustainable use of natural resources for current and future generations.

"The SDGs are at a midpoint, and there is still much work that needs to be done.  No one can do this alone, including the United Nations," said Kirimoke Drollett, Chief of Administration of the UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok, at the launch event in Nakhon Nayok Province. "It is essential that we take urgent and accelerated action to put the SDGs back on track, and our partnership will speed up the efforts for climate action through green education. UNESCO is proud to support Thailand in greening and securing a bright future for all."

Thailand has announced a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality roadmap by 2050. To achieve these goals, solar power must be boosted as a crucial energy source. In Thailand, solar power capacity currently stands at 2,633 megawatts and is expected to reach 14,864 megawatts by 2037.

The Green Education Initiative signifies a shared commitment to empower young people, communities, and other stakeholders to take an active role in climate action. The Department of Learning Encouragement (DOLE) under Thailand's Ministry of Education will support lifelong learning for people of all ages and ensure the initiative reaches communities that need it the most.

"I am delighted and proud to work with UNESCO and Huawei Thailand to drive green school and green education projects in Thailand together. This initiative is in line with the Learning Encouragement Act, B.E. 2566's mission, which aims to allow people of all genders, ages, and professions to learn from anywhere, anytime, through digital technology." said Dr. Chaipat Panwatanasakul, an expert on Curriculum Development and Director of Division of Strategy and Planning at the Department of Learning Encouragement (DOLE), Ministry of Education of Thailand.

Huawei will leverage its technological expertise in digital and green solutions to support the initiative.

"In Thailand's journey toward a digitally connected and low-carbon future, Huawei is committed to enabling an inclusive and sustainable digital Thailand in the past 24 years. Huawei has already installed a total of more than 5 GW inverters in Thailand's households and industries. In this green education project, Huawei will devote our technological innovation in digital power solutions and capacity-building experience in green energy training. With UNESCO, the Ministry of Education, and partners, we aim to support Thailand's Carbon Neutrality roadmap and cultivation of local green energy engineers," said Benjamin Liu, Director of Human Resources Department for Huawei Thailand.

More than 150 people, including UNESCO Bangkok, local officials, partners, teachers and students, and community members, attended the launch event in Thailand. Several vocational schools in this community showcased their locally cultivated agricultural products as part of the community empowerment initiative.

Students on board at Huawei Digital Bus
Students on board at Huawei Digital Bus


UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeks to build a just, inclusive, peaceful, open, and knowledge-based society. For more information, visit UNESCO Bangkok | UNESCO.

About the Ministry of Education of Thailand

The Ministry of Education of Thailand works to enhance the quality of education and educational opportunities for all Thais in the country.  For more information, visit

About Huawei TECH4ALL

TECH4ALL is Huawei's long-term digital inclusion initiative and action plan. Enabled by innovative technologies and partnerships, TECH4ALL is designed to help promote inclusion and sustainability in the digital world.

For more information, please visit Huawei TECH4ALL website at

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