Globe gets 'B' CDP score for three straight years

March 05, 2024 12:00 PM AEDT | By Cision
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MANILA, Philippines, March 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Affirming its commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability, Globe, a leading digital solutions platform in the Philippines, has maintained its CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) score of "B" for the third consecutive year, the highest among Philippine telcos in 2023.

The CDP, a renowned not-for-profit charity, operates a global disclosure system for managing environmental impacts, recognized as the gold standard of environmental reporting. It provides the most comprehensive dataset on corporate and city action towards managing and mitigating environmental risks.

With its B score for 2023, Globe has entered the CDP Management band, a distinction achievable only by surpassing a threshold percentage of available awareness points. This achievement involves demonstrating a broad assessment of environmental issues and a fundamental awareness of how these issues intersect with its business operations.

"We understand the critical role we play in mitigating climate change and are dedicated to operationalizing our climate action in ways that are both impactful and sustainable. This recognition reaffirms our resolve to continue advancing our sustainability agenda, driving positive change within our industry and beyond," said Yoly Crisanto, Chief Sustainability and Corporate Communications Officer at the Globe Group.

Globe has operationalized its climate action programs through several innovative strategies. So far, it has transitioned 27 sites to renewable energy and is exploring alternative energy solutions such as solar hybrid gensets and onsite solar panels, particularly for high-energy utilization sites.

Globe has also deployed over 9,000 green network solutions, including cleaner fuel technologies, energy-efficient cooling systems, and battery solutions that support the shift towards renewable energy. It also utilizes intelligent monitoring systems to optimize energy usage and maintenance operations, enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of its network infrastructure.

In addition to operational strategies, Globe engages its supply chain in its sustainability journey. The company's Supplier Code of Ethics and sustainability criteria for supplier assessment ensure that its vendors align with Globe's sustainability standards.

Likewise, the Sustainability Academy for the Supply Chain empowers Globe's suppliers with essential Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles and practices, ensuring these values are embedded in their business strategies.

Globe's continued recognition by the CDP highlights its leadership in environmental transparency and action within the country's telecom sector. These achievements serve as a model for how companies can effectively integrate environmental stewardship into their business operations and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient economy.

To learn more about Globe, visit


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