
Learn how EarlyBirds’ innovation ecosystem assists with adoption of nanotechnology related advances

June 05, 2023 05:00 PM AEST | By Ankit Sethi
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  • EarlyBirds' award-winning ecosystem allows business leaders to easily decode nanotechnology trends through 'innovation maps'
  • Nanotechnology's three key areas are said to include materials science, nanomedicine and health, and device engineering
  • EarlyBirds serves a collaboration platform between the source where innovation originates and the destination where it is deployed

Any innovation that has the ability to change the way the world operates is quite often brushed aside during the initial stages. For example, nanotechnology -- which is about everything from healthcare to energy systems and food production to electronics -- has yet to fully find the patronage that the atoms and molecules-based science actually deserves. EarlyBirds, an Australian open innovation platform, says that it could be the facilitator.

The award-winning ecosystem that allows business leaders to easily decode industry trends through 'innovation maps' can be used to accelerate the development of nanotechnology programs. Let us know how.


Before we understand how EarlyBirds plays the role of an enabler, it is important to know the depth and scale to which nanotechnology has penetrated the modern world. Forbes has talked about three areas of this science that are already impacting our future. These include materials science, nanomedicine and health, and device engineering.

By material science, it means things like construction and manufacturing that nanotechnology is improving. In terms of healthcare, it is about advanced food production techniques, nutrition, nanomedicine, and related elements. The device engineering segment includes electronics, wearables, and other uses of nanotechnology to help derive better utility value from a device. Even though there could be both benefits and risks of using this science, shunning nanotechnology is not the answer, something that EarlyBirds also stresses.

Data source: Company website; Image source: Pixabay.com

EarlyBirds and nanotechnology

EarlyBirds is more than nanotechnology alone in that the platform hosts innovations related to virtually all sectors. In the nanotechnology domain, the platform has maps with nanotechnology-specific themes and sub-themes, which are populated by innovations that can be appropriate for an organisation’s strategic requirements and desired outcomes. It has two programs -- Explorer, and Challenger -- to provide longer-term or near-technology solutions to business leaders.

Basically, the platform is about collaboration between the source where innovation originates (the innovator) and the destination where it is deployed (large and medium organisations). The latter are termed 'Early Adopters' in the EarlyBirds ecosystem. Innovators on the other can be startups or mature enterprises.

Innovators looking for patronage and increasing their customers can go to the 'Innovator' page of EarlyBirds website. For early adopters, millions of innovations for quick improvements in processes can be accessed at the 'Early Adopter' page.


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