
Haranga Resources (ASX: HAR) shares soar on positive auger drilling results at Sanela

May 22, 2024 11:59 AM AEST | By Team Kalkine Media
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  • Out of 161 holes drilled and assayed at Sanela, 140 holes reported uranium anomalism.
  • 29 of 91 new auger holes revealed significant uranium pXRF readings in saprolite samples, ranging from 14ppm to 81ppm uranium.
  • Sanela marks the initial focus among the remaining 10 termite anomalies for thorough auger coverage.
  • HAR is advancing with ongoing auger drilling, infill, and regional sampling of termite mounds.

Haranga Resources Limited (ASX: HAR; FRA: 65E0) has shared promising results from auger drilling conducted at the Sanela prospect, outlining the discovery potential of the prospect for uranium mineralisation.

As part of the exploration strategy, 161 holes of the planned 345 holes have been drilled and assayed at the Sanela prospect, including 91 new auger holes. In 140 holes, uranium anomalism has been detected.

Out of the 91 holes, 29 holes demonstrated substantial uranium pXRF readings in saprolite samples with concentrations ranging from 14ppm to 81ppm uranium.

Metallurgical results, RC drill assays and a JORC classification upgrade to the mineral resource are awaited. After obtaining the RC drill assays, the resource upgrade is anticipated by June end.

The company continues with auger drilling, infill and termite mound regional sampling.

Drilling activities at Sanela

Recent RC drilling at the Sanela prospect demonstrated the presence of a sediment sleeve within the Saraya granite and its related graphic pegmatites. The drilling campaign encountered significant uranium mineralisation with elevated uranium concentrations. In hole 24-SAR-RC-019, the company reported 8m at 351 ppm eU3O8 (pXRF) from a depth of 35m, including a particularly high-grade section of 3m at 583 ppm eU3O8 (pXRF) from 40m, hosted within altered pegmatitic material.  

In April 2024, the company initiated a 345-hole auger drilling program, designed to assess the sheared structural corridor, the host of uranium mineralization, intersected during RC drilling.

The auger drill lines aimed at intersecting mineralisation below the laterite blanket, identifying the potential source of the termite mound sample surface anomalism identified during infill sampling.

Data source: Company update

Overview of exploration activities in progress

The samples from the RC drilling are in processing at the ALS laboratory in Canada, with results awaited. The ore characterisation work conducted by SGS Lakefield, Canada, has been finalised with the final reports anticipated soon.

HAR shares soar

HAR shares jumped over 22% to trade at AU$0.115 apiece at the time of writing on 21 May 2024.


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