
FYI Resources (ASX:FYI) welcomes positive outcomes from HPA anode coatings program

October 04, 2022 05:41 PM AEDT | By Team Kalkine Media
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  • Latest testwork has indicated that FYI's high-quality +4N HPA-coated EcoGraf spherical graphite anode outperforms standard industry materials.
  • The application of FYI HPA to polyolefin separators has reflected further improvement in reversible capacity.
  • FYI plans to test the pairing of the FYI HPA enhanced separator with the FYI HPA-doped EcoGraf’s coated anode for its reversible capacity.

FYI Resources Limited (ASX:FYI) has shared further positive results from its enhanced High Purity Alumina HPA anode and separator coatings development program. The results have indicated increased performance achieved by the HPA-enhanced polyolefin separator for the lithium-ion battery market.

The emerging critical mineral company is developing its HPA project in collaboration with Ecograf Limited (ASX:EGR).

Click here for further insights into the company's recent HPA project development.

FYI HPA-doped coated anode: Super-premium anode material

The company has updated on the completion of an extended, lithium-ion battery electrochemical performance test program to cover in excess of 110 continuous cycles.

The test results have shown that the FYI’s high-quality +4N HPA coated EcoGraf’s spherical graphite anode outperforms the standard industry materials, reporting a theoretical capacity of 366 mAh/g at 6 to 7% irreversible capacity loss after 110 continuous charge-discharge cycles.

The comparative analysis is shown in the table attached below:

Source: Company’s update

The results indicated improvement to the previously reported reversible capacity of 362.7 mAh/g and the first cycle loss of 4.5%. On top of that, the latest outcomes also highlighted further enhancements with additional concentrations of the FYI HPA dopant. However, the final optimum loading still needs to be determined.

The test work performed in the United States also confirmed the HPA functioning as a hydrophobic reductant that promotes lithium-ions chemistry with the carbon anode. It ensures that the graphite particle surface is hydrophilic, allowing all carbon anode material to participate in the lithium-ion intercalation and electrochemical process.

FYI’s HPA: Enhancing polyolefin separator capacity

Along with the above-mentioned favourable results, the company has also released overwhelming results of its HPA application to the polyolefin separators.

As per the initial evaluation, an improvement of 7.94 mAh/g to the reversible capacity of the industry standard material is seen when paired with the enhanced HPA polyolefin separator.

Source: Company’s update

Polyethylene and polypropylene-based polyolefin separators are trending as the separators of choice in commercial lithium-ion batteries. They facilitate lithium-ion transport while preventing physical contact between the anode and the cathode within the cell. 

Significant market opportunity in the US and Europe

As per FYI Resources referring to BMI Research data, the demand for coated anodes is expected to grow at 30% per annum. The data suggested sales prices in the range of US$5,000 to US$10,000 per tonne for coated anodes. These numbers represent a positive outlook for coated anodes in the battery market.

The company believes that there is significant market opportunity in the US and Europe, owing to the demand outlook.

Next plans

FYI Resources plans to pair the FYI HPA enhanced separator with the FYI HPA-doped EcoGraf’s coated anode and test the pair for its reversible capacity. It will help to evaluate the pair's capacity against the theoretical reversible capacity of 372 mAh/g.

FYI Resources shares traded at AU$0.145 on 4 October 2022. 


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