Why Young Women Excel in Financial Growth

September 17, 2024 10:24 AM PDT | By Team Kalkine Media
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  1. Women face a significant gender wealth gap, but early financial planning and strategic investing can help bridge this divide.
  2. Research shows women outperform men in long-term financial success due to less risky behaviors and a disciplined approach.
  3. Women often dedicate more time to research and maintain a steady financial strategy, resulting in better returns over time.

Recent studies reveal that women not only face a gender pay gap but also a wealth gap, as they struggle to accumulate enough savings and assets to grow household net worth, including investments in financial stocks. Research indicates that women hold just 32% of the wealth compared to menHowever, Kristine Beese from Untangle Money shares that women don't need to feel stuck in this situationAlthough the pay gap creates financial pressure, starting early with smart financial planning can make a significant difference.

Beese emphasizes that for women, investing in a diversified mix of financial assets can be a critical step in overcoming these structural challengesIt’s encouraging to note that about 60% of women already participate in the financial market and perform exceptionally well.

Why Women Thrive in Financial Growth

Headlines often focus on high-risk financial strategies, but research consistently shows that successful financial growth is rooted in steady and disciplined practicesInterestingly, women tend to excel with this long-term approach, often delivering more stable outcomes.

Beese points out that multiple studies have consistently demonstrated that women tend to outperform men in financial returns when considering risk factorsThis highlights the importance of not pushing women to adopt a more aggressive financial style but instead to promote a thoughtful and strategic approach, one that men could also benefit from.

Key Factors Behind Women's Financial Success:

  1. Focused Time Management: Women often have less free time for frequent portfolio adjustments due to managing careers and caregiving dutiesThis leads to a more focused and hands-off approach, reducing unnecessary costs and taxes, as they are less likely to fall into short-term trading patterns.

  2. Less Reaction to Market News: While market headlines can often cause panic, research shows that women remain calmer and avoid rash decisions based on short-term fluctuationsAccording to a 2018 study by Warwick Business School, men tend to trade 44% more frequently than women, which can lead to poor timing and missed opportunities for long-term growth.

  3. Thorough Research and Strategy: Women are less likely to chase financial trends or make hasty decisions without sufficient researchStudies show that they are more diligent in preparing for financial decisions, which helps them avoid the risks associated with overconfidenceThis patience and methodical approach often result in more consistent long-term success.

By focusing on early planning, thorough research, and a steady approach to financial growth, women can continue to bridge the wealth gap while avoiding unnecessary risks.


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