How to choose the right brokerage to partner with

May 25, 2022 04:48 PM AEST | By Hamza Zahid (Guest)
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Competition among brokers has increased due to the high number of them, and therefore, their cost has gone down, making this the best time for any investor to get themselves into trading. However, with many new firms coming up as brokers, it isn't easy to choose one as the best for your trading needs, especially if you are a new trader. There are a few strategies that you can use to make the right decisions in choosing the brokerage you will partner with.

Decide the type of investment you would like to take part in

The money market is broad, and therefore, there are more than two options you can choose from. You might decide to invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, forex and the most common being a cryptocurrency. Once you decide on what investment you want to make, then that's the first step on which broker you will be choosing. Each broker specialises, but some brokers offer different investments under one roof.

Look at the commission brokers are offering

Brokerages earn through commission, and the amount and percentage of commission you have to pay to your broker is something that you should consider. The amount of deduction you will get will determine if it will align with your long-term goals. Most brokerages will offer a customised commission depending on your financial goals. A good example is Avapartner, which will provide a reasonable commission that aligns with your financial goals. For more information, you might want to look at the AvaPartner blog.


Like any other place you would like to invest in, and you have to do your due diligence in research, you must check out reviews on brokers. There might be brokerages that have been around for years while others are new, but that does not mean that the duration they have been in the market also reflects their trustworthiness.

The account minimum

There are a lot of brokers who may not have accounts minimum, meaning that you can trade with the minimum amount of money that you are comfortable investing. Some brokers do require a minimum amount of money for you to be allowed to trade, and it is essential to put into consideration if you are comfortable with the amount of minimum deposit that your broker will require.

Account fees

Apart from commission, you might be required to pay account fees. The account fees refer to the amount of money charged as you perform a transfer or withdraw your profit from your account. Most fees that you might encounter are annual fees, inactivity fees and trading platforms subscription fees. You might also be charged for closing your account and taking out all your money from it. If you want to transfer to another broker, the new company often gives you a return of the transfer fees you were charged. For most of the fees, you can avoid them by looking for a broker who does not charge them.


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