‘Team 28’ Documentary Shines Spotlight On Open Wheeled Modified Car Racing

February 26, 2025 04:05 AM PST | By Send2Press
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LOS ANGELES, Calif., Feb. 26, 2025 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Multi-award-winning filmmaker David Wittkower is in the final lap of completing “TEAM 28,” a high-octane documentary that takes audiences deep into the world of short track racing. The film follows the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of a dedicated grassroots team. “We are starting the editing process now,” Wittkower said, “but we’re looking to raise funds to finish the film.”

Team 28 car, driven by Buddy Charette is the subject of the new documentary about open-wheeled modified racing. Photo Credit: Andrew Wittkower
Image caption: Team 28 car, driven by Buddy Charette is the subject of the new documentary about open-wheeled modified racing. Photo Credit: Andrew Wittkower.

The project is being developed as both a one-hour documentary and a potential series for a major motorsports network. While a GoFundMe page has helped fund the filming, additional financial support is needed to complete post-production.

Open-wheeled modified racing is the beating heart of grassroots motorsports. Unlike the sprawling superspeedways seen in NASCAR’s top series, these cars are typically on a half mile, making for intense, door-to-door action, quick laps, and high drama. This is where many of today’s professional drivers got their start, cutting their teeth on local asphalt and dirt ovals, battling for trophies, bragging rights, and a shot at the next level.

David Wittkower is a renowned documentary filmmaker with a passion for telling real, compelling human stories. Over the course of his career, he has captured the raw emotion, resilience, and spirit of his subjects. His past work has explored topics ranging from the Coast Guard, Wildland Firefighters to rodeo legends such as Lane Frost and Joe Beaver. His films have been seen on PBS, Discovery, Outdoor and History Channels to name a few.

“This is more than just a racing documentary – it’s a story about passion, perseverance, and the love of the game,” said Stacey Russell, one of the Producers of the film, car owner for Team 28, and lifelong racing fan.

“Short track racing is the backbone of motorsports, and ‘TEAM 28’ captures the grit, determination, and camaraderie that make this sport so special,” Russell adds. “We’re excited to bring this story to the fans who live and breathe racing just like we do, and bring to those who know nothing of the sport.”

For more information, see the promo video or to support the film, visit the GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-finish-a-documentary-project

News Source: David Wittkower

To view the original post, visit: https://www.send2press.com/wire/team-28-documentary-shines-spotlight-on-open-wheeled-modified-car-racing/.

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