State Grid Binzhou Power Supply Company: Escort characteristic industries to help rural revitalization

September 19, 2024 05:33 PM AEST | By Cision
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BINZHOU, China, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In recent years, the integration of Xiaobotou Town in Binzhou City, Shandong province has driven the scale production of local enterprises, extended the industrial chain, and helped the high-quality development of the traditional fishing net industry. At present, the township has developed more than 600 fishing net industries, with an annual output of 360,000 tons of various types of net products, and the market share of fishing net products accounts for more than 30% of the country.

Why the small Botou town fishing net from small to large, from weak to strong?

Binzhou vigorously implemented the project of improving the quality and efficiency of the fishing net industry, and the processing of fishing nets gradually developed from the original hand-sewing to machine weaving, and the efficiency and quality were improved, and the processing scale was gradually expanded.

Based on the "first evaluation of enterprise experience, the first standard of mass satisfaction", focusing on the "use of electricity, good use of electricity, no power outage", constantly innovate service methods, enrich service content, improve service quality, and continue to improve power customers' sense of gain and satisfaction. State Grid Binzhou Power Supply Company pays close attention to the needs of enterprises, relies on the forward escort to help, lays out the grid construction in advance, builds lean, fine and professional smart grid, increases the capacity of 35 kV docking station to 40,000 kVA, and provides sufficient electric energy for the development of fishing net industrial clusters. Adhere to the "no power failure is the best service", implement the distribution network full service, all types of non-power failure operations, to achieve full coverage of user engineering, distribution network engineering, emergency repair, elimination of live services. Give full play to the technical advantages of power grid enterprises, regularly carry out user-side electricity inspection work, provide customers with free test services such as infrared detection and local discharge detection, and actively assist enterprises to carry out power safety hidden dangers. Regularly organize employees to visit to understand the electricity demand of enterprises, customize exclusive electricity solutions, and guarantee the whole process, so as to achieve "zero running errands" for customers, guide enterprises to optimize production plans, and help the town economy enter the fast lane of high-quality development.


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