Professor Luo Min Appointed as Chairman of Spine Neurocardiology Interdisciplinary Professional Committee in China to Promote Development of Innovative Heart Disease Treatments

September 23, 2024 05:06 PM AEST | By Cision
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BEIJING, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Professor Luo Min, Doctor of Medicine (MD), from Beijing Yuhe Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Rehabilitation Hospital, was recently appointed as the Chairman of the National Association of Health Industry and Enterprise Management (NAHIEM) Spine Neurocardiology Interdisciplinary Professional Committee and the Head of the Preparatory Group, in recognition of his contributions to the field of spinal nerve and heart disease treatment.

Professor Luo Min
Professor Luo Min

As the head of the NAHIEM Spine Neurocardiology Interdisciplinary Professional Committee's Preparatory Group, Professor Luo will be responsible for leading the organization and preparing the committee to solidify its commitment to the promotion of interdisciplinary research and cooperation, a field in which he excels. The committee will advance the development and application of innovative therapies by supporting research on spinal nerves and heart diseases, which have the potential to benefit more heart disease patients in China and around the world.

Professor Luo commented, "I am deeply honored to be appointed to this important role. The integration of interdisciplinary research has the potential to bring new hope to more heart disease patients in China and globally. Interdisciplinary research is the future of heart disease treatment and I believe that neuromodulation can bring safer and more effective treatment options to patients. I look forward to promoting technical exchanges and cooperation around the world through the work of the committee."

Professor Luo is a senior expert in the field of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases with more than 30 years of experience in clinical diagnosis and multidisciplinary research. He graduated from Bethune Medical University and has since studied in multiple disciplines including orthopedics, neurology, general surgery, anesthesiology, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular medicine, and critical care medicine. His primary focus in recent years has been on the neuromodulation treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and he has been credited with developing Luo's Theory, which has the potential to bring revolutionary breakthroughs in clinical treatment.

Professor Luo discovered that spinal nerve abnormalities can cause spasms, contractions, and stenosis of the coronary arteries of the heart, thereby causing myocardial ischemia. Abnormal thoracic sympathetic nerve function is an important and long-ignored cause of coronary heart disease and, as the heart's coronary vascular system is controlled by thoracic sympathetic nerves, Professor Luo found that abnormal excitation of the sympathetic nerves can trigger coronary artery contractions. Therefore, theoretically, coronary vascular spasms and stenosis through the regulation of the nervous system can be relieved, and cardiac ischemia, especially coronary heart disease and heart failure, can potentially be effectively treated, greatly improving the patient's prognosis.

Professor Luo has extensive international exchange experience, including his participation in the World Congress of Cardiology in 2019 in Paris, where he was invited to present a report on the role of sympathetic nerves in heart failure, along with a clinical treatment model. He also participated in the 23rd World Congress of International Society for Heart Research (ISHR) in Beijing, and in academic exchanges in Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University in 2016.

About Professor Luo Min

Professor Luo Min has over 30 years of multidisciplinary clinical consultation experience, and has studied orthopedics, neurology, general surgery, anesthesiology, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular medicine, and critical care medicine. He created the first interdisciplinary physician alliance in China, integrating advanced technologies from multiple disciplines and creating a unique new concept of modern diagnosis and treatment. Professor Luo has independently developed 19 national-level minimally invasive technologies and 12 provincial-level minimally invasive innovations.

CONTACT: Xuejing Zhang, [email protected]


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