

March 25, 2025 12:30 PM AEDT | By Cision
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World's most successful businesses to come together to share best practices on leadership and success. 

SINGAPORE, March 25, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- House of Rose Professional Pte Ltd.  (HORP), today announced the opening of its 2025 world tour of Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky® - the success and leadership summit for women with multiple live editions of the summit being planned for the Middle East & Africa (Dubai, Sept 8, 2025), India (Mumbai, Sept 30, 2025), the World Edition (Singapore, Nov 4, 2025), The Americas (New York, Nov 18, 2025) and the Europe edition (Q1 2026). Each edition of the summit brings together the world's highest-performing businesses and leaders for that region to exchange best practices on leadership, growth and success.  Since 2014, Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky®  has enabled the success of  over  50,000 leaders across over 600 companies globally via 38 international editions  and HORP's  other verticals - CEOSmith®- the executive coaching for senior leaders;   and more recently BeliEVE® - HORP's bespoke executive search vertical.  The three verticals together support HORP'S Mission 2029 for a Better World – a global initiative focused on unleashing the highest performing talent – to lead at the top of the world's largest companies and shape a better, more equal world.   

To explore a partnership for an edition of the 2025 World Tour of Break the ceiling touch the sky® please email [email protected] . The full calendar for the 2025 world tour and super early bird sign up is at

Women continue to drive better performance, better leadership and a better world. Research reiterates that gender-balanced led Companies are more successful in revenue generation. 67% of the Companies that appeared on the 2025 Break the ceiling touch the sky® 101 Global Index   grew revenues versus previous year, as compared to Non-Index Companies where only 56% grew revenues versus previous year. The world's largest Companies are rapidly accelerating gender equality at leadership levels to match their customer profiles.  While there is progress – the fact that only 27 of the world's 500 largest Companies globally are led by a Female currently (in a world in which a majority of consumers are women), underlines the massive opportunity to further accelerate business growth via more balanced leadership.

Scott Price, Group Chief Executive, DFI Retail Group commented, "A majority of our customers are female. We are a leading Asian retailer delivering quality, value and exceptional service through leading brands, a compelling retail experience and a commitment to sustainability. We are focused on helping our customers make the most of every dollar they spend with us. Unleashing a diverse and inclusive workforce is critical to this mission. We look forward to sharing our leadership best practices and also learning from the best practices of other great companies participating at Break the ceiling touch the sky."  

Max Rangel, CEO and Global President, Spin Master shared, "Imagination is at the core of our business. Attracting the world's best talent is a core value we hold closely as part of Spin Master's culture. We believe that diversity of thought fuels new ideas and innovations, which is essential to helping us to reimagine everyday play. Our hope is that we can foster a workplace where everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive and are delighted to partner with Break the ceiling touch the sky® to further our goal."

Kavita Singh, Chief Human Resources Officer, United Breweries Ltd., shared  "Our purpose is to brew the joy of true togetherness to inspire a better world. We are pleased to partner with Break the ceiling touch the sky® and support this coming together of so many diverse minds and best practices from the world's best companies and leaders and accelerate gender diversity in the workplace. Our message to women in leadership is to be assertive, and trust in your ability to break barriers. The ceiling isn't as high when you decide to push past it." 

Vijayanand Sinha, SVP ASEAN, Reckitt shared, "Reckitt's workforce represents people of all ages, backgrounds, identities and beliefs. We continue to strive to make our company and wider society an inclusive environment, where every voice is heard and every individual matters. We are pleased to partner with Break the ceiling touch the sky® as we pursue a cleaner, healthier world."

Harish Mehta, Chief Executive Officer, Jio BP, shared, "Committed to our core value of Diversity & Inclusion, Jio-bp has registered many firsts not just for our company but for the Indian mobility industry at large. Being a technology driven energy retailer, Jio-bp continues to push boundaries for improving customer experience across their mobility needs. And in that we can richly draw upon the diverse perspectives and learnings at the 2025 Indian Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky summit and share our own best practices with the many companies that will participate at the summit."

Max Amen, Managing Director – UK & Ireland commented, "At Wella Company, we empower people to look, feel, and be their true selves. As an innovative global leader in the beauty industry, we combine our iconic 140+ years of history and industry expertise with our dynamic growth as a category-leading company. With this in mind, we are immensely proud to continue our partnership with Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky® and Mission 2029 for a Better World, in our shared mission to enable and inspire people to achieve greater success. Since 2017, we have partnered across multiple regions, reinforcing our commitment to driving positive impact.

Commented Anthony A. Rose, Chairman and CEO of House of Rose Professional Pte. Ltd. Ltd and author of the book Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky: success secrets of the world's most inspirational women which inspired the summit, "Gender diverse & inclusive companies are financially more successful, better employers, greater innovators, and better corporate citizens. The Break the ceiling touch the sky® summit enables companies to learn rapidly across industries amongst the world's most successful companies across industries (supplementing internal programs), build new business connections, develop their leaders for greater contribution, connect with the world's top leadership Talent and accelerate business growth via gender-balanced leadership."  

Delegate bookings can be made at 

House of Rose Professional Pte. Ltd. (HORP) is a Singapore-headquartered global business organization offering services in the areas of Talent (BeliEVE® - the executive search vertical focused on C-Suite talent); Training (Break the ceiling touch the sky® - the success and leadership summit for women) and Transformation (CEOSmith® - reputation, executive coaching and business advisory services for the C-Suite).

Anthony A. Rose at [email protected]


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