Forum fosters consensus on supporting young talent

April 29, 2024 02:49 PM AEST | By Cision
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BEIJING, April 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report from

Speakers attend a discussion on Sunday during the Beijing International Youth Innovation and Development Forum, a parallel session to the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum. [WANG ZHUANGFEI / CHINA DAILY]
Speakers attend a discussion on Sunday during the Beijing International Youth Innovation and Development Forum, a parallel session to the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum. [WANG ZHUANGFEI / CHINA DAILY]

Young people play a pivotal role in innovation and deserve more support that encourages them to continue innovating, according to a consensus reached on Sunday in Beijing by a panel of experts and officials.

You Jun, head of the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China Beijing Municipal Committee, said that talented young people are a source of creativity and play a vital part in driving innovation and growth.

"Young people are among the most vibrant and creative groups," You said at the Beijing International Youth Innovation and Development Forum, which opened on Sunday in Beijing as a parallel session to the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum.

The event was attended by experts and officials from government, media and international organizations.

The official said that authorities in Beijing have been working to improve the environment for innovation and entrepreneurship through a series of policies and initiatives, including talent evaluation, research management and commercialization of achievements.

Boasting a high concentration of academic institutions, research facilities and high-tech industries, Beijing has become a magnet for global talent and resources, he added.

The remarks came as Beijing seeks to pool innovative resources from across the globe with the aim of building itself into a heartland of national politics, culture, international exchanges and science and technology innovation.

When addressing the forum's opening ceremony, Qu Yingpu, publisher and editor-in-chief of China Daily, an organizer of the event, emphasized the role of youth innovation in driving growth, and called for more efforts to create an environment that appeals to young talent.

Qu advocated an open, collaborative and mutually beneficial international innovation ecosystem. He said that China Daily will continue to share stories of friendly exchanges and collaborative innovation among young people worldwide through its multimedia platforms.

"Many cutting-edge technological projects are led by young individuals, and many tech startups are founded by young people," he said, adding that Beijing, where the national English-language newspaper has its headquarters, is racing to build a talent-friendly environment.

Zhang Xiangchen, deputy director-general of the World Trade Organization, said in a video speech that despite young people's intellectual advantages, they still face multiple challenges such as shortage of funds and a lack of opportunities.

"The whole society should work together and create opportunities for young people to get involved and achieve innovative development, and share the cost of their trial and error," he said.

The Sunday forum, themed "Gathering Youth Power and Promoting Innovation Development", focused on the talent sector.

It was jointly held by the Beijing Human Resources Bureau, China Daily, the Beijing Overseas Talents Center and the Talent Work Leading Group of the CPC Haidian District Committee.

The forum aimed to foster a consensus on supporting young talent globally, promoting the sharing of global innovative resources, and supplying talent for the high-quality development of Beijing as the national capital.

You, the Beijing official, expressed the hope that the forum will offer a glimpse into what young people really need, inspire them to exercise their full potential, and explore new pathways for the development of their talent.

"I hope that all talented young people here can gather for cooperation and friendship, plan for future development, and, with a bold and innovative attitude, shoulder the heavy responsibilities bestowed by the times," he said.

The Global Network for Innovation Services was launched at the forum, along with the Global Youth Talent Innovation Fund, which will bankroll relevant projects. As a global platform for the exchange and convergence of youth innovation talent and resources, the network aims to provide talent and intellectual support for the capital's high-quality development. It also aims to help Beijing implement the Global Development Initiative and build a community with a shared future for mankind.


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