Automation Anywhere and Robo Co-Op Equip Refugees with Automation Skills Through Global Gateway Program

November 29, 2023 12:37 AM EST | By Cision
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Pilot partnership aims to address global refugee crisis with 100 million digital workers.

TOKYO, Nov. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Automation Anywhere, the leader in intelligent automation solutions that put artificial intelligence (AI) to work across every aspect of an organization, announced the launch of a Global Gateway Program with Robo Co-Op to empower refugees with digital skills and ultimately expand job inclusion opportunities for digital career development.

"At Automation Anywhere, it's our mission to make the future of work more diverse and inclusive," said Neeti Mehta Shulka, Co-founder and Social Impact Officer at Automation Anywhere. "Our ambitious goal in partnering with Robo Co-op to create 100,000 job opportunities for refugees and simultaneously upskill refugees over the next three years is a testament to our commitment to not only addressing the immediate challenges of displacement, but also empowering individuals with the skills and opportunities crucial for long-term success."

Robo Co-op is a refugee-led cooperative with a focus on digital inclusion and the creation of job inclusion opportunities for refugees through digital impact sourcing. In partnership with Automation Anywhere, the organization aims to bridge the gap between the 100 million refugees globally and the growing demand for 100 million digital workers. As the global job market undergoes significant transformation with a continued need for improved productivity, the Global Gateway Program offers refugees reskilling and upskilling opportunities fit for the age of intelligent automation.

"Through our ecosystem for digital impact sourcing and Automation Anywhere's accessible product portfolio, we're providing career opportunities for refugees, regardless of their background, to contribute to the digital economy," said Jintae Kim, Founder of Robo Co-op. "With the success of our Global Gateway program, our organization can expand to support more members while companies like Automation Anywhere can provide more job inclusion opportunities across the globe."  

The Global Gateway Program provides a curriculum to teach automation skills, along with a social impact scholarship program offering courses and certificates offered by Automation Anywhere. Automation Anywhere intends to provide on the job training (OJT) opportunities through test automation of new Automation Anywhere features, unlocking new opportunities for refugees to showcase their professional skills, such as delivering high quality software assurance.

The newly piloted program, already extending beyond borders, accelerates both social mobility and global mobility, helping refugees improve socioeconomic status with digital skills, and giving them additional freedom of mobility to live anywhere they want with remote work opportunities.

Robo Co-Op aims to create 100,000 job inclusion opportunities for refugees, ultimately improving job retention rates, increasing incomes, and boosting overall well-being for the refugee community. Automation Anywhere and Robo Co-Op's shared goal for the Global Gateway Program is to upskill 100 refugees over the next three years.

About Automation Anywhere 

Automation Anywhere is the leader in intelligent automation solutions that put AI to work across every aspect of an organization. The company's Automation Success Platform is infused with generative AI and offers process discovery, RPA, end-to-end process orchestration, document processing, and analytics, with a security and governance-first approach. Automation Anywhere empowers organizations worldwide to unleash productivity gains, drive innovation, improve customer service and accelerate business growth. The company is guided by its vision to fuel the future of work by unleashing human potential through intelligent automation. Learn more at

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