How to Write an A+ Term Paper

October 27, 2023 04:30 AM AEDT | By Alexa Adelle Berry (Guest)
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A term paper is an academic paper that usually takes the form of a research paper or report. It can significantly boost the final score for a subject. It is typically assigned at college, university, and school at the end of the term.

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It is a great way to do preliminary research on your project and be better prepared when you start doing the final draft.

Every course stipulates its requirements for a term paper. This article guides the elements and standard approach when writing a term paper.

Term Paper Structure

Before finding the best topic for a paper and planning how to write it, learn how it is structured. A well-written academic paper has a clear structure that helps the reader quickly understand the text's information.

A good structure will also enable you to stay on track and focused while writing. Adhere to the following format when writing a term paper:

  • Title page: On this page, you will write your name as the student, the course name and code, the instructor's or professor's name, and the date. Some papers may also require the institution's name, college, university, or school.
  • Abstract: An abstract summarizes the theoretical approaches, main ideas, and findings you plan to highlight in the paper. The abstract may be optional, depending on the instructions given.
  • Table of contents: This section is useful for navigating between the different segments of your work.
  • Introduction: The introduction may consist of one or more paragraphs. It tells the reader what the basic information in the paper is. Introduce your topic by stating it directly, then elaborate on its significance and the approach you will take.
  • Body: Here, you should share the main findings from your research. Provide comprehensive information about the topic to help the reader understand it. Be sure to include varying viewpoints and thoroughly analyze your paper.
  • Results: Use this section to explain your views about the topic as a result of your research. Discuss any changes in your viewpoint that occurred since starting the project.
  • Discussion: End your writing with a conclusion and summary of the topic. A good idea would be to finish with an open question that will encourage the reader to research a little more on the subject for themselves.
  • References: List all the sources used and cited in the paper alphabetically in the references section.
  • Appendix (optional): Place all the information that would have been distracting in the paper's body here. The appendix includes questionnaires, large tables, images, and other documentation or materials.


How to Write a Term Paper

Here is how you go about writing an A+ term paper:

1.    Start With the Proposal

The term proposal is a way of presenting and defending your topic to your professor. In it, clearly explain your chosen topic's relevance to your course work.

Once the proposal is approved, you can start writing. It is also an opportunity to research a relevant topic with the best chance of approval.

For instance, someone writing a Jewish Studies paper can start by consulting those who know the topic best or have relevant qualifications to get some guidance on which path to take.

2.    Compose The Abstract

The focus of the abstract is to explain what the research is about. It should include the major research findings in a simple and informative manner. Limiting the abstract to 120-150 words is advisable, depending on the requirements of your assignment. A well-structured abstract consists of these sections:

  • Introduction – State the paper's issue and its relevance, and clarify your research's scientific, practical, or theoretical purpose.
  • Body – Highlight the main points, describe the chosen investigation strategy, and include an overview of the results.
  • Conclusion – Discuss the applications and implications of the results.

3.    Write the Introduction

The reader should be immediately drawn into your introduction. Create an engaging and compelling opening that makes it difficult for the reader to put down the paper. Here is how to keep your reader interested and hooked:

  • Grab attention – Start with a surprising statement, intriguing fact, or a thought-provoking contradiction highlighting your topic's significance.
  • Give an overview – Explain the problem you're trying to solve, make sure everyone knows what the point of your paper is, and prepare people for a deeper look by showing how your topic fits into bigger picture.

  • Create a thesis statement – Explain your argument's core and offer a glimpse of what your work entails.

4.    Formulate the Body Sections

You have your research notes and results; it is time to examine your outcomes. Record only the crucial findings of your research while excluding any unnecessary materials. As a strategy, consider crafting topic sentences off of your outline and then expanding on the topic sentences, turning them into complete paragraphs. Feel free to incorporate any relevant supporting details that will boost your points.

How many paragraphs you use in your body will depend on the topic and the instructions for the assignment.

5.    Compose the Conclusion

Your conclusion should be a thoughtful and concise summary of the information you have discussed and presented, together with the broader implications of your paper. Refrain from introducing any new information in the conclusion.

This is where you should write down the findings of your research. Finally, end with a strong sentence that will stick out in people's minds.

6.    Polish up that First Draft

Remember to pay attention to the importance of proofreading your work. After completing the first draft, reviewing your paper can make all the difference.

Even with an exceptional paper, mistakes like punctuation, misspellings, and grammar errors can be interpreted as carelessness. This could undo or overshadow your significant findings and original ideas. Therefore, proofreading is a must.

The first thing you will do is read through your first draft and identify how you could make your paper more convincing and cleaner. Note the ideas outside the context and either modify or remove them.

Then, find the areas that require more support. After you ensure that your content is well-structured and logical, the second step is to address any errors. Rectify all punctuation, spelling, and grammar mistakes with care.

Lastly, make sure that your paper follows the correct layout and format. Visual materials such as tables, images, and diagrams must be appropriately titled and numbered.

Be sure to double-check that all your pages are correctly numbered. All your efforts will result in an impressive and polished final term paper.


Remember To Format Your Paper

The first thing you should do when formatting your paper is consider its length and the particular citation style needed. You'll be required to use a specific citation style, depending on the subject of your study.

Because term papers are academic writing projects, proper referencing is essential to avoid charges of plagiarism. The American Psychological Association (APA), together with the Modern Language Association (MLA), are frequently used citation styles.

For social sciences, consider choosing the APA formatting. On the other hand, with humanities and liberal arts, the most used format is MLA. Adhering to the correct citation style and design will make your writing well-organized and, at the same time, academically sound.


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