
How far has Invion’s (ASX:IVX) cancer treatment progressed?

May 16, 2022 10:18 AM AEST | By Aditi Sarkar
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  • Invion is advancing Photosoft™ technology – novel PDT photosensitiser INV043 – to treat a range of cancers.
  • The therapy has indicated regression of established tumours across multiple cancer types.
  • The company has planned clinical trials across multiple cancer indications in 2022 and beyond.

Australian life sciences company Invion Limited (ASX:IVX) is leading the way in the research and development of PhotosoftTM technology for effective treatment of various cancers.

PhotosoftTM technology is being developed as a novel next-generation Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), which is an alternative treatment option for cancer with minimal side effects and substantially less invasive than surgery. The therapy selectively destroys cancer cells and promotes an anti-cancer immune response by utilising non-toxic photosensitisers and light. It is targeted at achieving complete tumour regression and long-lasting remission.

Invion is progressing the PhotosoftTM technology research program in collaboration with two leading global medical research institutes – the Hudson Institute of Medical Research and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

Last year, the company selected INV043, an improved active pharmaceutical agent (API) that uses the PhotosoftTM technology.

Related read: Here’s what you need to know about Invion’s (ASX:IVX) world-leading partners in its mission to treat cancers

Key advantages of PhotosoftTM technology

PhotosoftTM technology aims to be more effective at targeting and killing cancers without harmful side effects and minimal discomfort.

 Image source: © 2022 Kalkine Media®, Data source: IVX update

Do read: Invion (ASX:IVX) ends March quarter with notable progress in PhotosoftTM technology

Working with its partner institutions, Invion is building on early successes by identifying target cancer indications.  

Proof of Concept (PoC) Study in Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC)

TNBC is a hard-to-treat cancer and accounts for nearly 10-15% of all breast cancers. The cancer is more common in women aged less than 40 years. TNBC grows and spreads faster than other invasive breast cancer and has fewer treatment options. TNBC is resistant to most chemotherapies.

In a PoC study conducted by Invion, mice treated with API, INV043 resulted in complete regression of established tumours in vivo. There was no scarring and no trace of tumour mass after two weeks of initial treatment.

Treatment with INV043 suggested development of protective immunity as there was no recurrence of disease.

Additional PoC tests are being carried out by Hudson Institute in this area.


Image source: IVX update

 To know more, read Why Invion’s progress towards TNBC treatment can be a game changer

Furthermore, Invion is looking forward to initiating clinical trials focused on skin, ano-genital and other cancers this year.

Skin cancer

Invion is currently developing a topical formulation of IVX-PDT (gel) to treat skin cancer. The company expects it to be more effective than available topical medicines for skin cancer and offer a new therapeutic alternative to patients.

Based on pre-clinical studies, it is expected that IVX-PDT gel will react with visible light and oxygen to kill cancer cells on the skin without harming surrounding cells.

The company hopes to have the fast-drying IVX-PDT gel ready for human clinical trials.  

Referred to as IVX-SKIN, Invion's skin cancer treatment is in pre-clinical studies and is projected to enter Phase Ib human trials to treat Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) in the near term.

Do read: Meet Invion’s (ASX:IVX) leadership team guiding its clinical journey in cancer treatment

Ano-genital cancer

Invion's research partner Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Peter Mac) would focus on pre-clinical and in-vitro studies on Invion's therapy for ano-genital cancers, including penile and anal cancer.

Patients are typically hesitant to seek medical help for genital cancer until their disease worsens. Hence penile and anal malignancies are often identified late. As a result, many cancer patients miss out on the potential benefits of early care and later endure painful and dangerous treatments.

Stock information

IVX shares traded at AU$0.013 on 12 May 2022. The company has a market capitalisation of AU$83.41 million.

Also read: Here is why Invion’s (ASX:IVX) clinical journey to cancer treatment deserves attention


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