Cattle Market Update: Mixed Trends and Adjustments

September 17, 2024 12:15 PM PDT | By Team Kalkine Media
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  1. Live cattle futures experienced a decline of 2 to 25 cents on Monday, with the week's trading yet to gain momentum. Cash trade prices from last week ranged between $180 and $182 in the South and $181 to $182 in the North, showing slight increases.
  2. Feeder cattle futures showed varied results, with contracts fluctuating from 60 cents lower to 40 cents higherThe CME Feeder Cattle Index decreased by 64 cents to $242.68 as of September 13The upcoming OKC Feeder Cattle auction is expected to offer around 6,500 head, with noted price increases for feeder steers and calves.
  3. USDA’s Monday PM report indicated a decrease in wholesale boxed beef pricesChoice boxes fell by 34 cents to $304.57, while Select boxes dropped by $2.03 to $292.14The spread between Choice and Select widened to $12.43Monday’s federally inspected cattle slaughter was reported at 121,000 head, showing an increase compared to the previous Monday and the same day last year.

Live cattle futures are experiencing a decrease of 2 to 25 cents as the week begins, with Monday’s trading mainly focused on compiling showlistsLast week’s cash trade saw prices in the South ranging from $180 to $182, reflecting a steady to $1 increase compared to the previous weekIn the North, prices were steady to $1 higher, ranging from $181 to $182Meanwhile, financial stocks have been showing varied performance, with some sectors exhibiting more stability than the commodities market.

Feeder cattle futures presented mixed results, with some contracts showing a decline of 60 cents and others rising by up to 40 centsThe CME Feeder Cattle Index fell by 64 cents to $242.68 as of September 13The upcoming weekly OKC Feeder Cattle auction is expected to list approximately 6,500 head for saleNoteworthy price increases have been observed for feeder steers and steer/heifer calves, with increases of $3 to $8, and feeder heifers up by $2 to $5.

The USDA’s Monday PM report revealed a decrease in wholesale boxed beef pricesChoice boxes decreased by 34 cents to $304.57, while Select boxes fell by $2.03 to $292.14The difference between Choice and Select prices widened to $12.43The USDA estimated Monday’s federally inspected cattle slaughter at 121,000 head, which is 7,000 head more than the previous Monday and slightly higher than the same day last year.


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