Reconnect With Your Food In Andrea Kristin’s Best Selling Book

July 08, 2024 11:59 AM PDT | By Send2Press
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EDMONTON, Alberta, July 8, 2024 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Well known for her expertise in growing and cooking with fresh produce, Andrea Kristin is thrilled to celebrate the release of her highly anticipated book, “Fresh Grown: Essential Guide to Use, Store, and Make the Most of Your Vegetables” (ISBN: 978-1068810916; June 2024). This comprehensive guide is an essential resource for anyone looking to fully utilize their fresh produce and deepen their connection with their food, from garden to plate, Grey Arrow Press announced today.

FRESH GROWN by Andrea Kristen
Image caption: “Fresh Grown: Essential Guide to Use, Store, and Make the Most of Your Vegetables” by Andrea Kristin.

The book has already reached #1 in four categories on Amazon Canada and #60 in the top 100 best selling books overall, making it a certified hit.

“Fresh Grown” is more than just a cookbook; it’s a complete guide to understanding, using, storing, and preserving vegetables. With nearly a decade of experience running an organic market garden farm outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Andrea Kristin brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge to this beautifully designed and photographed book. Her engaging writing and stunning visuals transport readers straight to the farm, making it easy for both novice and seasoned gardeners to appreciate and enjoy the bountiful harvest of their own gardens.

Karen Anderson, founder and president of Alberta Food Tours, praises the book, saying, “This book, and the way Andrea and her family live and contribute to the world, is vital for humanity. People have lost their connection with how to grow, source, and prepare healthful food.

“Andrea uses her knowledge of vegetables, skills as a photographer, and abilities as a cook to provide the essential mentorship needed to overcome these barriers. With their youth and passion, they give me hope for the future.”

In “Fresh Grown,” readers will find:

  • Over 50 types of vegetables featured, with insightful information on all the edible parts and how to use them.
  • Practical tips for using, storing, preserving, and enjoying your fresh produce.
  • Creative recipes and cooking tips to make the most of your harvest.
  • Instructions and guidance on all six ways to preserve your vegetables to enjoy year-round.

Join Andrea Kristin on a journey to reconnect with your food, minimize your food waste, maximize your garden’s potential, and enjoy the delicious, nutritious bounty nature has to offer. “Fresh Grown: Essential Guide to Use, Store, and Make the Most of Your Vegetables” is available now at major book retailers and online.


Author: Andrea Kristen

Email: [email protected]

Websites: (farm) (blog) (author website)

Buy Link:

Genre: Organic Cooking

Released: June 2024

PAPERBACK ISBN-13: 978-1068810916

Publisher: Grey Arrow Press

News Source: Grey Arrow Press

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