
meerecompany enhances Korea-Vietnam medical exchange with Revo-i fellowship program

March 25, 2025 01:00 PM AEDT | By Cision
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- Launch of SSC program to provide advanced robotic surgery training in Korea

- Dr. Cao from Viet Tiep Friendship Hospital in Vietnam completed training at Severance Hospital

SEOUL, South Korea, March 25, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- meerecompany (CEO: Joon Koo Kim) announced today that its Revo-i surgical robot system is playing a key role in promoting medical exchange between Korea and Vietnam. Dr. Cao Minh Tiep, a surgeon from Viet Tiep Friendship Hospital in Vietnam, has successfully completed the Revo-i robotic surgery fellowship at Severance Hospital in Korea through the SSC (SurgeSync Camp) program.

Dr. Cao Min Tiep
Dr. Cao Min Tiep

The SSC fellowship program is a specialized training course designed to provide global surgeons and medical professionals with firsthand experience of Korea's advanced medical system while offering professional training in Revo-i robotic surgery. The program is conducted at tertiary general hospitals in Korea, including Severance Hospital, where the Revo-i has been installed. Participants who complete the training will receive official certificates from both the medical institutions and meerecompany. Through this, participants will have the opportunity to interact with world-class medical professionals, learn innovative robotic surgical techniques, and contribute to the advancement of healthcare in their home countries by promoting the adoption of robotic surgery.

Dr. Cao Minh Tiep, Deputy Head of the General Surgery Department at Viet Tiep Friendship Hospital, participated in the program, which began in March. Viet Tiep Friendship Hospital, located in Hai Phong, is a Grade 1 general hospital with over 2,000 beds. The hospital has positioned itself as a leader in digital transformation by actively integrating digital technologies and advanced equipment. However, it has yet to adopt robotic surgery. Through this SSC program, the hospital's medical staff have gained firsthand experience with robotic surgical techniques in South Korea, which could increase the likelihood of introducing robotic surgery in the future.

Professor Hyoung-Il Kim from the Department of Surgery at Yonsei University College of Medicine led the training. As one of Korea's most experienced robotic gastric cancer surgeons, Professor Kim was also the first to perform a robotic subtotal gastrectomy using Revo-i. Under his guidance, the one-week fellowship included case observations, lectures, and intensive training in robotic surgical techniques. Additionally, dry-lab sessions on how to use Revo-i were provided at meerecompany's Robotic Surgery Innovation Center, along with various procedural training using its virtual reality simulator, Revo-sim.

Dr. Cao Minh Tiep commented, "I am honored to have completed the fellowship program at Severance Hospital, a global leader in robotic surgery. The close collaboration between institutions provided an in-depth and structured learning experience."

Ho Kun Lee, Executive Vice President and Head of the Surgical Robot Division of meerecompany, commented, "There is growing demand from international medical professionals eager to learn Korean robotic surgery techniques. The SSC fellowship program not only meets this demand but is also expected to play a significant role in enhancing the medical standards of targeted countries."

Additionally, meerecompany's Revo-i recently received regulatory approval from the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.


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