Dubai Cares unveils 'Rewiring Education: The Climate-Education Nexus' report

September 24, 2024 03:48 AM AEST | By Cision
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  • Provides a comprehensive roadmap that bridges education and climate goals and outlines key recommendations to drive meaningful action at the climate-education nexus

DUBAI, UAE, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dubai Cares has launched its latest report, "Rewiring Education: The Climate- Education Nexus," advocating for integrating education and climate action, during the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) week. This report is the result of two years of consultations and discussions at the RewirEd Summit 2023 at COP28 UAE and beyond, gathering insights from both education and climate stakeholders.

Image captions: H.E. Dr. Tariq Al Gurg, CEO and Vice-Chairman of Dubai Cares speaking at RewirEd Summit 2023
Image captions: H.E. Dr. Tariq Al Gurg, CEO and Vice-Chairman of Dubai Cares speaking at RewirEd Summit 2023

At its core, the report stresses that climate action and educational transformation cannot be addressed separately. It highlights the untapped potential of the climate-education nexus to drive systemic change. The report provides a blueprint for uniting efforts in education and climate action, offering practical solutions and concrete recommendations for integrating these areas into cohesive strategies.

Commenting on the report, His Excellency Dr. Tariq Al Gurg, Chief Executive Officer and Vice-Chairman of Dubai Cares, stated: "Real progress on global issues whether poverty, health, or climate change depends on fundamentally transforming education systems. This report offers a clear roadmap for integrating education into the climate agenda, while embedding climate solutions in education. As we approach COP29, I urge global leaders to prioritize education in their climate discussions and consider the vital recommendations outlined here. The time to act is now to equip everyone with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to build a sustainable future."

The report presents five "win-win" solutions: across Early Childhood Development (ECD), planet-friendly school meals, teaching as a green profession, youth green skills development, and strategic private sector engagement. These demonstrate how collaboration can align education transformation with climate action, economic growth, and social progress. The report also identifies nine key recommendations across policy, financing, and research to create an enabling environment that scales these solutions.

RewirEd Summit 2023 at COP28 UAE marked the first global convening on the connection between education and climate, bringing together over 1,000 participants, including heads of state, ministers, CEOs, and representatives from 76 countries. The Summit highlighted the critical role education plays in addressing climate challenges and showcased innovative solutions at the intersection of these two sectors. With strong global representation, the Summit sparked impactful discussions on ensuring that climate change does not hinder children's right to education.

To download the report, please visit:


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