Shincheonji Church Bible Seminar Draws Thousands of Viewers

September 30, 2024 02:45 AM AEST | By Cision
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YouTube Views Reach Nearly 380,000

SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Over 100 pastors and 16,000 attendees joined for a seminar on September 25th hosted by Shincheonji Church of Jesus. The Shincheonji Masan Church was the location for the event titled, "2024 Shincheonji Prophecy and Fulfillment Testimony Grand Bible Seminar."

Shincheonji Church Bible Seminar Draws Thousands of Viewers
Shincheonji Church Bible Seminar Draws Thousands of Viewers

In addition to the participants who gathered in person, hundreds of thousands watched the live broadcast of the event on YouTube, which garnered 375,155 views during the two-hour session.

During the seminar, the keynote speaker, Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee, delivered a comprehensive lecture based on Revelation 10, connecting prophecies and their fulfillment throughout the Bible. Many in the audience, including pastors, took notes and applauded.

"I am testifying to the exact content of Revelation that I have seen and heard firsthand. Just like stamping a seal, the Word of God must be delivered without distortion or addition," Chairman Lee said. "Instead of oppressing or criticizing without reason, as Jesus said, we must lower ourselves like children and check for ourselves whether this message is true or not."

Shincheonji Church has hosted Bible seminars throughout the year for pastors and believers in different locations overseas and in South Korea, including Ulsan, Busan, the Yeongnam region, and the Shincheonji Peace Training Institute in Cheongpyeong. Growing interest in the Shincheonji Church Bible teachings has led to plans for another grand Bible seminar in Busan on September 29th.

Following the seminars, pastors have been eager to sign MOUs and collaborate with Shincheonji Church. One pastor who signed an MOU shared, "My thinking changed a lot after listening to the teachings and judging for myself. I signed an agreement because I believe that ongoing communication with Shincheonji will benefit my congregation."

Another pastor expressed surprise, stating, "I was amazed that Chairman Lee delivered a lecture for over an hour without opening the Bible, and I couldn't find anything inconsistent with Scripture. After hearing such a message, I want to learn more about Shincheonji Church and share this with others."

As of August 2024, 727 churches in Korea have signed MOUs with Shincheonji Church. Internationally, as of September 5th, 13,053 churches in 84 countries have signed MOUs. Among these, 1,671 churches in 43 countries have officially joined Shincheonji and changed their signboards.


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