Dialogue with Professor Peter Ditmanson on Yangming Culture and Tunpu Culture

July 25, 2024 07:44 PM AEST | By Cision
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GUIYANG, China, July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report by Huanqiu.com:

On June 15, 2024, the "Xishan Yuelu • Great Perfection of the Mind" Famous Scholars Forum, was held jointly by the Confucius Academy and Yuelu Academy at the Confucius Academy. After delivering a lecture titled "Selling the TongJi: The Dissemination of Chinese Ming Dynasty History in the 16th and 17th Century", Professor Peter Ditmanson, from the Department of History, Yuelu Academy, Hunan University, gave an exclusive interview at the Confucius Academy in Guiyang.

Professor Peter Ditmanson delivered a lecture titled "Selling the TongJi: The Dissemination of Chinese Ming Dynasty History in the 16th and 17th Century"at the Confucius Academy on June 15, 2024.
Professor Peter Ditmanson delivered a lecture titled "Selling the TongJi: The Dissemination of Chinese Ming Dynasty History in the 16th and 17th Century"at the Confucius Academy on June 15, 2024.

Professor Peter Ditmanson delivered a lecture titled "Selling the TongJi: The Dissemination of Chinese Ming Dynasty History in the 16th and 17th Century"at the Confucius Academy on June 15, 2024.

Professor Peter Ditmanson, from America, has made remarkable achievements in the fields of the politics, culture, and publishing history of Ming Dynasty. He talked about his unique insights of the differences in Yangming Culture and Tunpu Culture this time.

In the mid to late Ming Dynasty, the Yangming School of Neo-Confucianism quickly swept through the populace and the royal court, sparking an idea storm. Why was its energy so immense? Professor Peter Ditmanson analyzed this from a historian's perspective, suggesting that a crucial aspect is to consider the world faced by Wang Yangming, as the Yangming School of Neo-Confucianism was a response to certain issues of that time.

Subsequently, Professor Peter Ditmanson remarked that the society was becoming increasingly diverse at that era. For instance, when Wang Yangming arrived in Guiyang, he encountered a social environment distinct from his previous experiences, and had to consider how to solve various issues. Therefore, he appeared to stress the importance of identifying an intrinsic standard to do so.

Tunpu represents a historical memory of Ming Dynasty immigrants. Professor Peter Ditmanson indicated that for Guizhou, the historical significance of Tunpu Culture was undeniable. He noted that previous scholars researching Ming history often concentrated on the Central Government or the Jiangnan Region. Nevertheless, border culture is equally significant as Tunpu Culture.

Regarding how to further explore Guizhou's Tunpu Culture and promote the integration of culture and tourism, Professor Peter Ditmanson suggested emphasizing the diversity of Chinese Culture, and exploring the possibilities of comparing Chinese Culture with that of overseas countries.

Professor Peter Ditmanson also emphasized that the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture is not an inward-looking attitude but an aspect of open outward exchange. As a cultural landmark embodying Guizhou style and Chinese essence, the Confucius Academy should also adopt this strategy, namely to inherit Chinese traditional culture and to be open to the outside world at the same time. This is of paramount importance.


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